Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 590:34:02
  • Mas informaciones



Looking for a health and fitness podcast? Or exercise, body building, high Intensity training (HIT)? What about a business podcast? Or entrepreneur, start-up, productivity and self-help? Corporate Warrior combines it all into one incredible podcast, perfect for the commute. Lawrence Neal is known as the Tim Ferriss of Britain, and if you like podcasts such as Bulletproof Radio, The Tim Ferriss Show, Smart Passive Income, James Altucher, Joe Rogan or London Real, you'll love Corporate Warrior.


  • 439 - Tailoring Training Intensity: A Deep Dive with Logan Herlihy

    29/11/2023 Duración: 51min

    What’s the best way to optimize intensity for your strength training clients and convert more of your free workouts into paying ones? This episode’s guest is Logan Herlihy, a senior exercise physiologist and general manager at Discover Strength, and the author of How 2 Look Good Naked: The Least Amount Of Effort, To Look The Best With Your Clothes Off.   Logan has overseen over 20,000 workout sessions, hosted the Discover Strength podcast, and studied and seen what works best for most strength training clients — including the difficult ones (if you’re a personal trainer, you know the type)!    If you’re keen on getting more clients, you’ll love this episode — Logan talks about the keys to providing great customer experiences with your workouts, both in getting clients results as well as growing your strength training business effectively.    ***  

  • 438 - The HIT Business Reboot: Personal Branding Essentials with Pete Cerqua

    22/11/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    What are some of the biggest mistakes that are holding you back from really growing your fitness business?   Legendary trainer Pete Cerqua returns to talk about the most important keys that every personal trainer and HIT Business owner MUST get right to get more clients and grow their business faster — or else continue to struggle and be stuck in mediocrity.    If you're seriously looking to grow your strength training business, this episode is a must-listen!   ***

  • 437 - Revive Your Fitness Website with Connie Holen's 7-Step Audit Checklist

    15/11/2023 Duración: 50min

    So you have a website for your strength studio, but do you really know how well (or how poorly) it’s working to drive potential clients to your fitness business?   In this episode, web design expert and fitness website specialist Connie Holden joins us to talk about what you can do now to check your website for issues and make sure it’s not costing you business!   Pixality Design is Connie’s web design agency that specializes in helping fitness businesses and wellness studios grow online, and Connie herself is a MindBody Certified Business Consultant, an accomplished web designer, digital strategist, podcast host, speaker, and educator.   We dive deep and explore how you can fine-tune your website from the first load all the way until your prospective clients decide to make a decision to transact with you, and Connie and I go step-by-step into what your website needs to have to really drive more business and revenue for you — if you’re serious about running a fitness business, don’t miss this episode!   ***  

  • 436 - Training and Transformation with Borge Fagerli — Mastering Fatigue Management in Strength Training, Debunking Resistance Training Myths, Tackling Muscle Gain Stagnation with HIT, Journeying into Life Design and the Quest for True Happiness

    08/11/2023 Duración: 01h30min

    How can you help your strength training clients break through plateaus and maximize muscle gain throughout life?   Trainer of Champions Borge Fagerli returns to the podcast to talk about advanced strength training techniques and strategies to help you build muscle more effectively for the long term, why and how you should manage fatigue for better gains, debunking resistance training myths, and designing your life for success in business and everywhere else.   ***  

  • 435 - A Masterclass with Dr. Jurgen Giessing — Exploring the Science of HIT Vs High-Volume Training, Debunking Muscle Building Myths, Cardio's Role in HIT, and Aging's Impact on Muscle Recovery

    02/11/2023 Duración: 01h50min

    Why do some scientific studies say that HIT is better than High-Volume Training, and why do others say the opposite?    How can you make sense of this information for yourself and your strength training clients?   Dr. Jürgen Giessing has authored best-selling books on High-Intensity Training and is an esteemed researcher and professor of sports science at the University of Landau in Germany, and his expertise is in muscle hypertrophy and its health-related effects.    In this episode, we dive into the science behind why HIT is better for you long-term, optimizing muscle recovery and muscle-protein synthesis, debunking common muscle-building myths, incorporating cardio into your HIT regimen (and why you might want to), and so much more!   ***  

  • 434 - Redefining Age: David Pike on Being an 84-Year-Old Harmonizing Fitness, Family, and Business

    25/10/2023 Duración: 01h28min

    Do you have a clear vision of what a massively successful life is for yourself? Not just as a fitness business owner, but including your personal and family life as well?    This episode is a special one for me as I welcome an incredibly successful businessman – and my mentor – David Pike to the podcast.    David has built many successful businesses in a variety of industries (including fitness) and has amassed a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom on what it takes to start and grow a thriving business that all of us can take valuable insights from.   We talk about how to build motivated teams, the keys to entrepreneurial success, balancing your family life and business, and much more, seen through the lenses of the businesses David has built and his experiences in life.    There’s so much to learn from somebody who has already walked the path most – if not all of us – want to tread.   ***  

  • 433 - The Dr. Ted Naiman Masterclass: Decoding the Overlooked Impact of Resistance Training on Fat Loss, Unveiling the Satiety Per Calorie Revolution, Reassessing Protein Intake, Demystifying Blue Zones, and Ted's Unbeatable Diet and Training Regimens

    18/10/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    What’s the best strength training + diet combination if you want to optimize fat loss, body composition, and overall health and fitness for yourself and your clients?   Dr. Ted Naiman returns to the podcast to talk about the underrated power of proper strength training on your ability to make (almost) any diet work for your fitness goals, along with how to make achieving fitness goals easier by creating systems to help you (or your clients) do more of the right things and less of what hinders progress and results.   In this episode, we go into why satiety per calorie matters (and what it means in practice), choosing the best foods to help with body composition and fat loss, the most practical and effective strategies you can put in place to help you reach health and fitness goals, and so much more (including a few bits that might rile up some folks) — this is a good one, so don’t miss it!   ***  

  • 432 - The Strength Therapy Story: Peter and Brian Collins Discuss Scaling from Garage Training to 200 Weekly Studio Sessions, Carving a Niche in Police and Emergency Services, and Business Insights for Fitness Entrepreneurs

    11/10/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    What would it take you to grow your fitness business from small to great?  If you want a blueprint for taking your personal training business from zero to successful strength training studio, you’ll want to hear from Peter and Brian Collins, founders of Strength Therapy Personal Training.  In this episode, you’ll hear about how small beginnings can be scaled to become a thriving business, and you’ll get practical advice on carving your specific niche, effective marketing, creating a good training environment for your specific type of clients, and more.  If you’ve ever had doubts about how well you can do while you’re still starting out in your fitness business journey, hang in there and give this episode a listen!   ***  

  • 431 - Bill DeSimone's 40-Year Journey in Personal Training: Lessons and Legacies

    04/10/2023 Duración: 01h38min

    If you could sit down with one of the most successful people in the strength training industry and learn what it takes to get to the top, who would you want to listen to? Bill DeSimone just might have the episode for you — he returns to the podcast to talk about the powerful lessons he’s learned from 40 years of strength training and running his fitness business, and he lays out his experiences and what you can take away from it all and apply in your own journey, whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your strength studio. In this episode, we cover so much: from how to use personal experiences in your business effectively, to managing injuries, to what it means to really understand the nature of personal training.  Bill talks about navigating challenges, training techniques and equipment, and how the industry has changed over the years.   ***  

  • 430 - Dr James Fisher's Personal Knee Rehab Journey: From Injury to Recovery (Part 1)

    27/09/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    How would you help a client – or yourself – rehabilitate an injured knee?  Dr. James Fisher returns to the podcast to talk about his personal experience of going through a severe knee injury: navigating the recovery process, the psychological impact, and the importance of understanding where your clients are coming from if you have the opportunity to train and support someone going through the recovery and rehabilitation process.  This episode can help you develop practical strategies that can benefit both your clients and yourself when it comes to adapting your fitness strategies and programs to accommodate and support clients who experience unexpected injuries. ⚠️ Disclaimer: This podcast is purely informational and is not meant to diagnose or treat any injury or condition; if you have an injury, please seek medical advice from a qualified health professional.    ***  

  • 429 - A Deep Dive into Joint-Friendly Fitness with Bill DeSimone: A New Paradigm in Exercise Safety

    20/09/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    What are the critical keys for designing the optimal workout for yourself and your clients?  Is there a problem with conventional training programs that might put a dent in your clients’ progress and your fitness business’ long-term sustainability?   Bill DeSimone returns for a deep dive into Joint-Friendly Fitness, where we go into detail about how to select the most effective exercises for your program, how to determine risk and avoid injury, and why all of this matters in various contexts. If you care about optimizing your programs and maximizing results, this episode is for you!  ***  

  • 428 - Unlocking Synergy or Sowing Confusion: The Risks and Rewards of Adding HIT to Your Health Business with Luke Carlson

    13/09/2023 Duración: 44min

    If you already own a Health or Fitness Business, should you add High-Intensity Training to it (if you haven't already?)  To some, this might sound like a no-brainer (or at minimum a really good idea). But are there any legitimate risks, beyond the obvious rewards of offering HIT to your clients? Discover Strength CEO Luke Carlson returns to the podcast to talk about what you need to know if you're thinking about introducing HIT into your Fitness Business, such as how to make it a good fit, creating synergies with your existing business, billing and pricing for training sessions, being competitive in a crowded market (even with larger health clubs), and how you can diversify your fitness business and unlock even more success using High-Intensity Training.  ***

  • 427 - The HIT Protocols Pete Cerqua Used to Grow a 7-Figure Personal Training Business

    06/09/2023 Duración: 01h34min

    What's the best combination of HIT protocols and advanced strength training techniques for the most gains? Legendary trainer Pete Cerqua returns to the podcast for a deep dive into all the different high-intensity training protocols, advanced techniques, how you can customize and add variations to get up to 40% gains in strength, along with how to put all of these to work in your fitness business if you're a trainer looking to keep clients raving about the workouts you put them through. If you've ever wondered which HIT protocols and techniques will get you the most gains or will work the best with different types of personal training clients, don't miss this episode! ***

  • 426 - Dr. Doug McGuff — Expanding 'Ultimate Exercise', Navigating the Realities of Running a HIT Studio on Autopilot, Crafting the Ultimate Client Workout Experience, and Delving into Muscle Hypertrophy and Steroid Side Effects

    30/08/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    What's it like to run a fitness business on autopilot? Could you do the same?  Dr. Doug McGuff – co-author of the High-Intensity Training cornerstone Body by Science – and founder of Ultimate Exercise returns to the podcast to talk about what it's like to run a fitness business without being there all the time — how do you get to that stage?  Is that really the dream, or could it possibly turn into a nightmare? We dive deep into how he runs UE (and the key business lessons you can take away from it), crafting great client experiences, how so many people misunderstand hypertrophy, maximizing stimulus and recovery for optimal results, understanding the nuances and risks of steroid/PED use, practical strategies for thriving in the fitness industry, and more!  Note: apologies in advance for the less-than-ideal audio we have in this episode — we've done our best to make it as listenable as possible, despite the sound issues. ***

  • 425 - Random Hour with Skyler Tanner — Diving Deep into HIT, The Mysteries and Misconceptions of VO2 Max, Unpacking the Nuances of Muscle Studies, and Mastering the Delicate Dance of Verbal and Non-Verbal Client Interactions

    23/08/2023 Duración: 01h18min

    Does VO2 Max really matter? How should this factor into your strength training practice?  Plus, how would you talk to your strength training clients who bring in new studies and want to make adjustments to how you train them? The ever-insightful Skyler Tanner – a respected exercise physiologist and founder of Smart Strength – returns to the podcast for an hour of going through some wide-ranging conversations from misconceptions about VO2 Max, the many ways trainers knowingly and unknowingly communicate with clients, to unraveling the complexities of exercise-related studies, along with revisiting a few touchy subjects in the High-Intensity Training world! ***

  • 424 - Strength Meets Stamina: Dr. James Fisher on Transforming Endurance Athletes

    16/08/2023 Duración: 58min

    Can you train your clients (or yourself) to maximize strength while being a high-performance endurance athlete? How can you design an optimal strength training program for a client involved in athletic events? Dr. James Fisher is a Course Leader and Senior Lecturer for the School of Sport, Health, and Social Sciences at Southampton Solent University in the UK. He specializes in exercise physiology, biomechanics, and resistance training. James is an active researcher publishing numerous peer-reviewed articles relating to health and fitness. Plus, he is also quite the endurance athlete himself, so he brings insight from both sides of the coin! In this previously High-Intensity Business Members-only episode, James and I dive into the world of transforming endurance athletes through high-intensity resistance training — we talk about consultative approaches, exercise selection, frequency and volume, as well as how proper strength training benefits endurance athletes, facilitating improved flexibility, injury preve

  • 423 - Service Over Marketing: Luke Carlson's Take on the Fatal Mistake in Fitness Business

    09/08/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    Attention, High-Intensity Training studio owners: are you unhappy with how your fitness business is doing and would love to see it grow and become exponentially more successful?  You'll want to know these CRITICAL keys to success and avoid these pitfalls many new (and struggling) HIT Business owners have been stumbling into. In this episode, we talk about creating great client experiences, optimizing your offers and workouts, the importance of internal communication, making key business decisions that align with your target market so you can attract and retain more high-quality clients, and much more. This is probably the most important episode we've done for anyone who wants to set up their HIT business to be as successful as possible — check it out!

  • 422 - HIT Collision: David Landau and Lawrence Neal's Explosive Showdown!

    02/08/2023 Duración: 01h34min

    What can you learn from one of the top HIT trainers on the planet about personalizing, optimizing, and maximizing training programs and results for your clients? HIT Legend David Landau returns to the podcast for an explosive discussion that covers intelligent training, finding your minimum – and maximum – effective dose of exercise, the secrets to achieving optimal results, and more, all delivered with David's trademark I-don't-care-what-you-think-I'll-say-what-I-want approach to civil discourse. Whether you've been doing HIT for years or you're new to High-Intensity Training and you want to fine-tune your HIT workouts for maximum results, you'll want to sit down and buckle up for this one! ***

  • 421 - The Million Dollar Trainer's Secret: Pete Cerqua's Referral Program that Transformed his HIT Business

    19/07/2023 Duración: 55min

    What does it take to earn $10,000 a week as a High-Intensity Personal Trainer even when everybody else struggles to get clients? Million-Dollar Trainer Pete Cerqua returns to the podcast to break down how he built a referral program for his High-Intensity Training business and kept a steady flow of clients, even during dry spells. Pete is a master High-Intensity Fitness Coach and creator of The 90-Second Fitness Solution. He has been professionally coaching since 1985 and is also 5-Time Bestselling Author for Simon & Schuster and Skyhorse Publishing, which include the books High-Intensity Fitness Revolution for Women and High-Intensity Fitness Revolution for Men. His new program “Million Dollar Trainer” shows personal trainers how to earn 7 figures per year. In this episode, Pete talks about what makes a good referral program, and what you need to do to drive consistent referrals. We also explore the psychology of selling and how to craft an effective personal training marketing message. If you're a HIT s

  • 420 - From Start to Sale: Building and Selling a Profitable Personal Training Business

    12/07/2023 Duración: 44min

    What does it take to start a personal training business, make it successful and profitable, and then make millions from it? Discover Strength CEO Luke Carlson returns to talk about what you need to know if you want to build an incredibly valuable personal training business or maximize the value of an existing HIT studio, including what strategies you need to consider and how to apply these in practical ways, the systems and processes you need, the challenges and opportunities you can expect, and so much more. Luke's own journey is a fascinating case study in starting out as a fitness entrepreneur and eventually building a wildly successful HIT business franchise, and he has been kind enough to share his insights and experience with High Intensity Business once again. Plain and simple: no matter where you are in your journey, if you want to grow your high-intensity training business and make it more successful, check out this episode!  ***

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