Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Internet Business, Now! » ...

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  • 681 | 3 Heart Attacks and 1 New Life


    My eyes were shut and I could hear a lot of activity going on in the room. I was laying on a bed. I felt weak and disoriented. I could hear my wife talking to a man with a deep voice and a handful of other voices moving around the room. I finally dared to open my eyes. I was clearly in a large hospital room. There was a lot of medical stands and devices around the bed, some making very light noises. My wife was talking to a tall doctor when she noticed I was awake. They looked at me, concerned. She looked like she was going to faint… The doctor told me I had been through 2 major heart attacks. I was in the ICU and I’d be taking a bunch of pills for the rest of my life. My heart would be very damaged and I wouldn’t be running around playing soccer with my two daughters again anytime soon. Overwhelmed, I shut my eyes. The last 2 days came flooding back into my mind. The massive chest pain on Christmas night, with my entire extended family around me. The ambulance coming, my family crowded in the

  • 680 | Anti-hype…


    "What the hell is the Freedom Club? Please tell me without all the hype and rah-rah." That's a question I got recently. I think this page, , does tell you without the hype, cause I'm not big on flashy sales crap. But, I thought I'd break it down as hypeless as I can... The Freedom Club is a subscription based membership site, so you pay for as long as you want access to all of the courses. The Freedom Club's 10 courses that are all step-by-step instruction and are divided into three phases: Freedom Club - Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side) The Freedom Formula The Freedom Business Blueprint The Niche Profit Code & The Niche Master Class Beginners Bootcamp Freedom Club - Phase Two: Replace Your Income and Quit Your Job! Email List Magic The Online Course Academy The Backstage Pass - Product Launch Insider Access Extreme Time Mastery Freedom Club - Phase Three: Build a 7-Figure Business! The Automated Income Machine List Building with

  • 678 | How you can profit from my Loss!


    Yesterday I did a rundown of some of the big mistakes I made when I started this freedom business journey. I didn’t do this to whine and moan about the past, I wanted to make sure I learned all the lessons I should have. I do this every year or so. Why? Well, as Scott Adams says: "Failure always brings something valuable with it. I don't let it leave until I extract that value." I like to make sure you can get the most value from my failures too, by not making the same mistakes again. When I started, I made a lot of mistakes. I didn’t have a step by step plan. I didn’t have a mentor with a proven plan. After years of messing around and making mistake after mistake I finally figured out a bunch of things and was able to make it work. Even as things started working there were new levels of business to mess up on. That is why there are three phases in the Freedom Club with 10 step by step courses and many bonus courses to help you through each phase. It makes no sense for you to have to waste ti

  • 677 | How long does it take you?


    This morning I was reflecting on the last few months. In 2017 I decided I was going to totally change my life and go after another dream. Since then I’ve gotten rid of more than 90% of my stuff. I’ve sold my home and gentleman’s farm. I’ve streamlined this business even more. I’ve gotten a new place in a different city and moved there. I’ve set up my life to be perfect for my next hero’s journey. Once I make a decision, I move fast. Why? I took to heart a what author Phil Stutz said in his book The Tools. Phil said that the longer we wait between feeling inspired to do something and actually doing it, the more our confidence and self-respect erodes. When I make a decision now I take action as fast as possible. I also prefer to lead by example, not just theory. How long has it been since you realized you had a dream to create a freedom business? Have you noticed your confidence in taking action waning as you wait till “the time is right?” Have you also noticed your self-respect

  • 676 | The power of one…


    As I am about to start a new business my mind drifted back thinking about how I originally started this business, Internet Business Mastery. I made a ton of mistakes. I'm going to list a few of them in hopes you can learn from my past ignorance and then I'm going to give you the plan that finally made it all work. As I said, I made a ton of mistakes. I didn't choose my mentors wisely, I picked who ever was most seen and was putting out the most info. I got on over 30 emails lists and I buried myself in beginner information and I let it go on for far too long. I let my fear stop me for far too long. When I finally started, I started a bunch of businesses. I tried mashing all the different business plans and advice into a Frankenstein hybrid business. I picked the wrong business model and one of my businesses actually became successful, which made it so I had to work at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week. I ended up hating that business and business model. I kept starting different projects, b

  • 675 | Everything that needs to be said has already been said.


    Back when I got started I had a major fear. Actually, I had a lot of fears, but one especially stood out. I looked out over the internet and saw a LOT of people already successful doing the exact thing I wanted to do. I had the mistaken belief that if someone was already doing it, in my case a LOT of someones, then there was no room for me. I recently found a quote I saw years ago that helped: "Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again." ~Andre Gide You can say what has already been said, but add YOU to it. This is another reason I love the personality-based, relationship business I teach. You learn the ins and outs of the subject you want to teach and add YOU to it. No one can copy YOU. I'm a combination of my mentors, my thoughts, my actions, and what I've learned (and didn't learn) from my actions. That makes me different from anyone else, even if we talk about the same things. I'm going to say something that has b

  • 674 | How is this different?


    One question I get nearly every week is: How is the Freedom Club different from “the Academy”? Let me quickly clear this up. The Academy is ONE of the 10 courses we use to offer. The Freedom Club is ALL 10 courses we offer. The Freedom Club has every course, bonus course, and even recordings of calls we did with high level, $2,000 - $5,000 coaching students. The best thing about the Freedom Club is you can get EVERYTHING we have for just 1 dollar a day. My goals was to go from helping just over 10,000 smart students to bringing that number up to 100,000! One of the ways I did that is to put it all in one place and charge LESS than a cup of coffee per day. It has worked incredibly well. Lot’s of people have seen the incredible value and realized now is the time. The other fantastic thing about the Freedom Club is you get access to other members in the VIP, exclusive, private, “for members only” Mastermind Group. That way you will not have to go on the journey alone! I hope that clears up the

  • 673 | Who is really in control of your happiness and success? (HINT: It’s not you.)


    In my reading yesterday, I found this bit of insight: “Studies show that your boss has a much larger effect on your happiness and success than the company at large.” ~Eric Barker How is your relationship with your boss? Have you kissed enough boss ass lately? You should, as Eric talks about, your boss has far more control of your success that the company you work for. How do you like that, someone else gets to decide your level of happiness… I’m sure you didn’t need a study to realize how much control your boss has, for many people that's why there are here reading my posts. Winners want more control, that is why you have a desire to create your own freedom business. I hated sucking up to my boss, it was the bane of my existence. For the past 13 or so years, I’ve seen what it is like to be in control of my own happiness and success. It’s even better than you’re dreaming about and the best thing is you can start now. Instead of someone else deciding things for you, you have to make the de

  • 672 | The catch-22 of getting started…


    My youngest sister asked me about how I got started recently and I began telling her the story again. She stopped me. She said, "I've heard the story, I want to know how you got the confidence to get started knowing nothing about business." I said, "I'll get back to you..." I actually thought about it for days and I came up with this answer. "Confidence comes when you have the courage to start without confidence." That was it. I decided to commit to the desire to start a freedom business and I mustered all my courage and I just started. I slowly, but surely gathered the information to get started and I tested and tested. I finally got to know my audience and I focused on getting them the value they wanted. After doing that, I got more and more confident. It was really blind, tiny courage that got me started. Then that grew into confidence. All you have to do is start. Gather all the courage you have now and get a huge jump start on your journey by not having to slowly figure it out over ye

  • 671 | Another question from the inside.


    A new Freedom Club member recently sent me the following email. I'll add his question here and then my comment will follow. "Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the Freedom Club and how much it has to offer. My question is how should I be going through the course work. My philosophy is to go through everything first and digest it all. Then, look further in detail by going into it a second time and start to take action. Is this a plausible way of doing things, or do you suggest taking action as you go along with the modules. Just curious if am doing things correctly and the most beneficial. I want to say again, this is by far the most informative course I have been a part of in a long time. Jeremy and Jason, please keep up the good work. Thanks, Erik" --I totally know where you are coming from. I use to do this as well, in fact, I'm doing it right now with a personal development course I'm going through. I listen and watch it all, to sorta get the gist of it. I do take notes if I ge

  • 670 | All the ingredients needed for the secret sauce of success.


    For the first 6 years of my entrepreneurial journey I was completely obsessed with finding the secret sauce needed for success. I figured the "GURU's" kept the secrets to themselves, but I was determined to find them anyways. Secret sauce means the exact combination of abilities, skills, knowledge, mindset, etc, that makes success inevitable. I had found a type of secret sauce in the J-O-B I had before I became an entrepreneur, so there had to be with this. For 7-10 years of my entrepreneurial journey I no longer believed in a secret sauce. I had a lot of successful friends and I wrongly thought I couldn't really see a specific combination of traits that was in each of them. Or so I thought. Then, I found my way into a top level, secret mastermind group. Actually I earned my way in. I was one of the top affiliates for a BIG internet marketing duo. A couple of the biggest guys in the business. You probably know them, if you've been around for even 5 minutes. This mastermind group was held at

  • 669 | Massive, world changing event starts today!


    BTW, this episode if from a daily email I wrote in May of 2017: So, this week is moving week for me. A couple months ago I decided to make some huge life changes and this week I leave "the ordinary world" and I enter "the special world" of the Hero's Journey that author Joseph Campbell talks a lot about. I'm leaving my 6000 square foot home in a secret valley to move into a 1200 square foot apartment in the city in order to train for the first level of my new adventure. I've spent the last 2 months selling my house and donating 90% of my stuff. I'm going after a dream I've had since I was 19 and it's going to take everything I've learned and experienced to make it work. I believe that when you have a dream, you give your all towards achieving it. I believed it and went after it when I left my 6 figure career 14 years ago and ended up starting Internet Business Mastery and now it's time to do it again. Nothing is going to change with Internet Business Mastery. I'll still be doing these daily episode

  • 668 | Success is not for these type of people…


    Here's a quote I ran across during my reading time yesterday. It comes from a man that studied some of the biggest successes in history. "Success is not for the lazy, procrastinating, or mercurial." ~Dean Keith Simonton There is a whole bunch more to that quote, but that part is the essence. It all boils down to, "take action now and keep going until you get the success you desire." That's it. Take action now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

  • 667 | Let’s set a record today, together.


    I decided to set a record today and I can't do it without you. You know I'm big on small steps. The tiny, daily steps that lead to success. BUT, Today is not that day. Sometimes, it's time to go big or go home. Today IS that day. I want to set 2 records today with the Freedom Club. I want to set a record on how many people finally get the guts to join. I also want to set a record on how many people finally admit that this internet business thing is just a pipe dream and they stop listening to my show. The records are for definite YESes and NOs. If you are tired of all the excuses and are ready to use all the courage you have in your possession... If you are ready for a step by step system to help you gain the freedom you've wanted for a long time... If you want to be a part of a group of your peers that are ready to mastermind with you and be part of your journey if you so choose... If you KNOW you are a winner and are ready to prove it... Today is the day, it's time to come on in to the Freed

  • 666 | Bittersweet day…


    Recently my youngest daughter moved out and is on her own. She's got her first apartment and is heading out into the world. I look back on her childhood with great satisfaction as I got to be there for everything. When she had a mid-afternoon music recital, I got to be there. Every soccer game, I got to be there. Every morning doctor's appointment, I got to take her. Every ballet performance, I got to be there. When she had an opportunity to go to Spain on a class trip, I could afford to take care of it. Anything at any time, I got to be there. My freedom business allowed that to happen. It wouldn't have been the case with my old job, I barely got to see her. When she was really young, I would just barely make it home to see her go to bed or on the weekends, then I took the chance and started my freedom business. That one choice changed the lives of everyone I'm close to. A freedom business opened my life to live the way I wanted to all while helping others achieve the same lifestyle if they ha

  • 665 | The sheriff was called in… again!


    Sadly, I'm not getting as many of the following emails, I think it's cause I've weeded so many of these type of people off my list. I love weeding people off my list almost as much as I like finding the right people to join the Freedom Club family. I got this email a couple days ago and as always, there is a lesson in here. Here is the email and my comments will follow. "4 Letter Words give me 4 reasons to Unsubscribe. Unprofessional Unethical (suspect) Unwise (why swear when you do not know who your audience is) Un excusable" ~Keith ----I​ don't believe for 1 second this guy was a potential customer, but I will answer his email in order to share with you how to handle people with victim mentalities. This guy wanted any excuse not to take the first steps to start a freedom business, so he picked the fact that I said a "bad" word in the daily email he is responding to. I put that bad word in there to make sure people like him get off my list and don't waste my time buying my products just to refu

  • 664 | Unemployable within 24 hours!


    I'm embarrassed to admit this, but there was a time I didn't know that just anyone could start a business! It's strange to think of now when nearly all my friends are self-made business owners, but I really had no idea. I was so focused on ambitiously climbing the corporate ladder and proud of being in a little office rather than a cubicle, I just had no idea how businesses were started and who could start them. I was years ahead of schedule in my career climb, though I didn't enjoy my job or being employed. Then one Friday, about 15 years ago, a fellow ambitious "climber" came into my office. "Hey man, I have something that is going to knock your socks off." He said. "Oh yeah..." I said, incredulously. "It's a book..." He said, while fishing it out of his bag. My eyes lit up. Even back then I loved reading. He found the book and handed it to me. It was a bit beat up and the paperback spine was bent in a hundred places. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad. What is it?" I said. "Just read it and tell me wh

  • 663 | Blood, sweat, and tears just for you…


    It's true, I get a fair amount of whiny excuses emails from people riddled with fear, doubt, and victim mentality. I focus on more of those in these daily podcasts, because I think my answers can help you too. That isn't the only type of email I get. I also get a lot of 'Thank you' emails. I'm going to start sharing some of them, because many times they have lessons that could help you too. Here's one with my comments to follow. See if you can spot the lesson before I pull it out and inspect it. "Thanks for this fantastic course and for making it so affordable that I could not afford NOT to take advantage of it. I am no longer employed by someone else, and I need to get this going. Your work here is just what I need." ~Steve ----When I made the crazy decision to take all 10 of our extremely expensive, high end, step by step courses and put them into ONE membership site I had business friends that thought I was being stupid. We've made almost 8 figures with the courses at the higher price. We

  • 662 | Sometimes you need a day off…


    ...But that day is not today. You want a freedom business, today is the day you get started. You’ve had plenty of days off. You don’t get freedom by wishing for it. Earn your freedom right now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

  • 661 | Let Big Daddy Cool hook you up.


    Man, I get a lot of emails now. I don't want every single email or podcast episode being me just answering the endless barrage of questions, but I will answer once or twice a week based on if I think it applies to you. Here is the question, but it's my answer that is important. My answer will follow... "I dont know how to sell other company products and get a percentage. Plus I dont know how to handle the shipping part from my site because what if I dont charge the same as the company?" ~Greg ----This is an extremely easy question to answer. Questions like these came up for me 100 times a day, when I started. The constant frustration of having all these questions and having no answers is tiring. I was dying for an all-in-one, step by step course when I started. There were a couple that claimed to be, low these 14 or so years ago, I invested in them. I got tired of doing it alone and I bought the courses. They always left me with more questions than answers… I frigging hated that. I also hat

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