Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Internet Business, Now! » ...

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  • 659 | The WRONG question…


    There's a question I get all the time and it is a sure sign of someone that is going to quit. I totally understand why someone would be curious about the answer, and in the past I'd say the question was unanswerable. After over 13 years of running my own businesses and helping others start and build theirs, I realize there is an answer. An obvious answer. But, it's not the answer 'get rich quickers' want to know, so now I MUST answer it to weed them out. The question is: "How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?" I use to say the answer was, "It depends..." It depends on what market you pick. It depends on what business system you follow. It depends on how much time you put into it. It depend on how serious you are about starting it. It depends on if you have grit. It depends on your interest in your audience. It depends... "How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?" My answer now is, "When you create enough value for a very specific audience that t

  • 658 | Get lucky now.


    Last year I got really lucky. I decided to take a huge risk and start a brand new business. I decided part of the plan was to sell my huge home, as part of doing what it took to get a dream I’d secretly had since I was 19. By pure chance, the market was hot, hot, hot. A few weeks after putting my house on the market, a bidding war started. I got a lot more out of my house than I ever expected. Sometimes, you just get lucky. I didn't plan on selling in a hot market. I was just doing what I needed to do and selling my house was the first part of the plan. When you get a surprise visit from luck, you have to throw a huge party for luck and hope it stays a while. I saw that luck had come with the hot housing market and I did everything I could to help a bidding war happen. You have to USE luck when it comes. You happen to be getting a visit from luck RIGHT NOW. When I started my first internet business, back in 2004, there wasn't anything step by step when it comes to starting a freedom business.

  • 657 | You can only have one.


    I was watching a TEDtalk on Youtube yesterday. It was from an author I was currently reading. It was great. A 3rd wave feminist complaining video showed up in the list of video recommendations on the right hand side, I'm not sure why Normally, I can withstand the temptation to watch such time sucks... I watched it. About halfway through I got a text and picture from a friend of mine. He had just gotten up the mountain to Machu Picchu. I've talked about this friend before. He is the one that started and owns a family bank, all with the proceeds of his freedom business. I asked him if it was hard getting to the Inca ruin site, one of the new seven wonders of the world. I had heard it can be a real pain. I'm not a world traveler, so I only retain the nightmare stories when it comes to world travelling. He said, "Ya, stuff went wrong and I loved every minute of it all. I'm standing in Machu Picchu!" I had just watched a video of a screeching harpy complaining about not getting enough free stuff

  • 656 | Using Military secrets to get what you want.


    I'm currently working on a new set of goals. Mostly they are around my new business idea I'm working on and a few are upgrading some personal goals I made last year. One part of the goal setting process I don't hear any internet business people talking about is something I learned in the Army. I drove troop transport vehicles in the Army. I did it for college money, being as I was to poor to even know there were scholarships, grants, and school loans… more on that another time. I drove my troop transport vehicles for a special forces group up in Washington State. The special forces guys were crazy! The stuff I saw... I can't believe what these guys can do. One thing that wasn't shocking, but was simply amazing was how they planning out their missions. One aspect I loved was called the Backwards Planning Method. Whenever they had a mission, they would start at the clear end state (goal/target) and plan everything they could think of BACK to the start position. Does that make sense? Instead of s

  • 655 | An inside look at a success mindset.


    Every couple of days I jump into the Freedom Club exclusive, private mastermind group. It's extremely expiring to see what club members are up to. I love seeing the success mindset growing as members help each other, share breakthroughs, and just spend time with other future freedom business owners. Here's a winner doing what it takes to succeed: "Today I escaped the 9 - 5. I just left the office of a job I was unhappy in for the last time. I've recently taken the opportunity to take a job (that I enjoy) that will earn me the same income in 16hrs a week instead of 40 and those extra hours are going straight into my Freedom Business. It's not THE step, but it's A step and I'm celebrating! Thank you all for your help getting to this milestone, even if at this point it's just from a physiological perspective." ~Tim ---I love seeing Tim doing what it takes to deserve the success that he's building. Just seeing the world in a different way can make stuff like this possible. The thought, how can I magical

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