Where's The Lemonade?



They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Making lemonade is not always easy or possible. For us, we found ourselves single in our 40's with kids at home and starting life over again. Luckily we found each other, online no doubt. When we began blending families, schedules, traditions, and laundry, we discovered lots of lemons. Our podcast is a reflection on how we get through the hard times and enjoy the good times on our new journey together, all with ten kids in tow. Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemon squares. Lemonade might come later.


  • #6.7 Generative AI in the Household

    08/05/2024 Duración: 32min

    This week, Darren and Paige join forces for the first cross-over episode of Embracing Digital Transformation and Where's The Lemonade. They talk about GenAI in the household and how it can help manage a big, complex family. Embracing the Future with Generative AIGenerative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is not a thing of the future but a present reality that has been seamlessly intertwining with our lives, often without us even noticing. From streamlining business operations to making household management a breeze, GenAI has the potential to make our lives easier and more productive. Paige Pulsipher, the CEO of Our Home, emphasized this during a recent discussion.  GenAI - A Personal Secretary?Do you recall the countless hours you've spent searching the web for the best theater play in a city? With GenAI, you could get the answer in just a few seconds. It's about more than providing information promptly; GenAI is interactive, making it more user-friendly. It understands complete sentences and specific descri

  • #6.6 True Crime!!! Why do we love it so much???

    24/04/2024 Duración: 31min

    Darren and Paige delve into the topic of True Crime entertainment, including podcasts, documentaries, and books. They discuss the reasons behind the fact that women make up the largest demographic of listeners and viewers in this genre. Encountering Evil from SafetyTrue crime stories echo our deepest fears and curiosities about the most disturbing aspects of human behavior. In a controlled and safe environment such as a book, a podcast, or a TV show, we become observers on the sidelines of evil, weighing in on the battle between right and wrong. Our fascination with these narratives, thus, could be understood as an exploratory mechanism - a means of understanding the extremes of the human psyche.The fight between good and evil has been a staple in story-telling for centuries. It allows us to confront our fears and anxieties about crime and punishment in a relatively safe environment without the direct threat of physical harm. By examining the mind of a criminal and witnessing their eventual punishment, we can

  • #6.5 Embarking on an Adventure: Traveling with Teens

    18/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    Darren and Paige report on a trip with their 18 year old getting ready to graduate this spring. His last spring trip before we send him off to college in the Fall. Listen to their tips and tricks to travelling with teens in Europe.We all know that family vacations are meant to relax, unwind, and spend some quality time with our loved ones. But, how do you ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip when your travel companions are unpredictable, opinionated, and passionate teenagers? Based on the experiences of one family who recently traveled abroad during their spring break to Italy, we reveal some important tips that could make your next family overseas trip a lot easier. Involving Teens in Travel Planning: Fostering Excitement and LearningTraveling with teenagers is all about giving them a sense of ownership and understanding their unique perspectives and interests. This starts right from the planning stage. By involving teenagers in decision-making, you not only allow them to contribute meaningfully but also keep

  • #6.4 Co-parenting, Money, and Adult Children

    12/04/2024 Duración: 28min

    In the world of blended families, navigating issues related to co-parenting adult children can be complex and challenging. Some familiar questions might center on the financial responsibility of each parent in relation to costs like college fees, health insurance, and other unforeseen expenses. This post examines the convolutions faced by co-parents, particularly with regards to shared-cost decisions and financial commitments to their adult children. Financial Responsibility and Legal Gray AreasThe transition of children from dependents to independent adults sometimes leaves co-parents in gray areas regarding who pays for what. For instance, health insurance is a significant aspect that often falls into this gray area. Under Obamacare, children can retain their health coverage under their parent's insurance until they are 26. This is a great relief for parents who, like Darren, incurred no additional cost in providing health insurance for their older children.However, the issue of who should handle unexpected

  • #6.3 Are You Supportive?

    21/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    <html><p>For this episode, Darren and Paige discuss strategies for cultivating a supportive atmosphere in personal relationships. They highlight the importance of active listening, respecting personal space, regular check-ins, physical affection, self-care, and effective communication in maintaining a healthy and supportive relationship. Through their conversation, they provide insights on how to overcome common relational challenges and foster a nurturing environment in personal relationships.</p><br><p># Cultivating Supportive Atmosphere in Relationships</p><br><p></p><br><p>In the ever-evolving digital world where distractions abound, maintaining the role of a supportive partner can often present itself as a challenging pursuit. However, based on insights from a recent podcast addressing this common relational adversity, this blog post intends to outline strategies for fostering a supportive environment in personal relationships.</p>&l

  • #6.2 Plane Etiquette

    14/03/2024 Duración: 34min

    As Paige was searching for a current event to talk about this week, she kept seeing in the news and on social media the debate about plane etiquette. Even Paige and Darren disagree on some plane etiquette. Let’s delve into what the “rules” are for flying. ## Middle seat gets dibs on the armrestsThe middle seat sucks. You’re constantly worried about encroaching on your neighbor’s side, fearing you’ll fall asleep and drop your head on their shoulder. For this reason, the person in the middle seat gets dibs on the armrests.## Stand up to let your neighbors throughDon’t do the half lift; it's awkward to lean back. Stand up, unbuckle your seatbelt, and wait in the aisle until your neighbor returns. It’s a good excuse to stretch your legs at the same time. ## Keep your belongings to yourselfI still remember trying to push someone else’s shoes back onto ‘their side’. Yes, there’s not a lot of room, but manage your belongings and keep them in the pocket of your seat, under the seat in front of you or stowed overhead.

  • #6.1 We're back and we are not stuck in a rut, or are we?

    08/03/2024 Duración: 28min

    Is your marriage stuck in a rut??Darren and Paige have been talking recently about being stuck in a rut, kind of bored, and very predictable. When they aren’t traveling or at something for the kids, they watch a show. Until the show ends, they are in a show hole. Or they go out to dinner, but what else can you do…A few weeks ago, they would go out on a date. Paige made 2 jars with restaurants to take the “where should we go” out of it. Then Paige had an idea for a date. Head to Kohls and you each pick out two outfits for each other to try on, something you would like to see your partner in (Paige said no lingerie). Then they went into a big dressing room and had a lot of fun trying on clothes together and seeing what each other would pick out. What else can we do to not be bored:Could you ask yourself why you feel bored?-It's important not to try to fix boredom but to consider the reason behind your feelings.You can take responsibility for changing.- Now that you’ve assessed the issues around why your marriag

  • #5.13 How Young is too Young to Leave Your Kids Alone?

    23/08/2023 Duración: 31min

    Darren & Paige, the hosts of "Where's the Lemonade?" recently sparked debate with their episode discussing whether leaving young kids unattended is okay. While opinions vary on appropriate ages and circumstances, most agree child maturity levels differ. This complex issue has many gray areas.Viral Story Prompts DiscussionThe conversation began when co-host Darren read a viral story about a woman who spotted two young siblings left alone for an extended time at SeaWorld while the parents rode rollercoasters. This prompted the hosts to explore whether this constitutes neglectful parenting or a reasonable level of independence.Cultural and Generational DifferencesDarren and Paige note that attitudes toward leaving kids unattended vary by culture. Some countries like Finland commonly go babies outside in strollers alone. They speculate whether American parents are overly cautious due to heightened abduction fears. As kids themselves decades ago, their parents likely had different standards.Data Diving: Child

  • Event Etiquette in Co-Parenting

    10/05/2023 Duración: 30min

    We just had a wedding!! Julianne and Boyd were married this past weekend and it made us think about the balancing act that they had to do between 3 different families. How can we help them in their balancing act? There are always going to be big events  that you have to attend with your coparent and possibly a significant other. How  can we make this easier on the kids?Over time this evolves too. It can also ebb and flow depending on your relationship with your ex.Polite and friendly should be the very least you should do. Dear Mom and Dad,The operative word here Mom and Dad is My events. You are a guest here and I ask you to act accordingly. My events include but are not limited to:1. My teacher’s conferences.2. My athletic events.3. My musical recitals.4. My birthday party.5. My school plays.6. My school graduationsAnd later7. My Prom8. My going to college9. My weddingSo here are some guidelines which I ask if you can’t follow, best you postpone coming until you can.Your Divorce, My EventMy life outside my

  • #5.11 Nacho Parenting

    20/04/2023 Duración: 28min

    Darren and Paige have heard about Nacho parenting and always thought it was definitely not for them, but they only had heard about extreme Nacho parenting. After a dive into what it really is, Paige is not totally against it; she can see why some families would adopt this type of parenting in a blended family. So let's take a look.Definition of “Nachoing”:People often ask, what is Nachoing? The Facebook response is usually “Nacho Kids, Nacho Problem.” Well, not quite. The stepkids can definitely be a problem for you. It’s “Nacho Kids, Nacho Responsibility.” The stepkids are not the responsibility of the stepmom/stepparent.The Nacho Kids method is a philosophy and methodology for blended families that consists of proven techniques and strategies, the psychology of human interaction, the mind, personalities, personal life experiences, and a track record of positive client results.“Nachoing” as it is often referred to as, or using the Nacho Kids method, is stepping back from situations that cause you and/or your

  • #5.10 Marriage Myth: Don't Go To Bed Angry

    30/03/2023 Duración: 22min

    Ok, so we all hear the saying, "Don't go to bed Angry." You probably hear this marriage advice at almost all weddings or bridal showers. Is it that important not to go to bed angry? Paige does not subscribe to this myth at all. Just the opposite. She feels that going to sleep during an argument is like a time-out. And then, when you wake up, it doesn’t seem nearly as bad. On the other hand, Darren would love to hash it out until it’s all resolved and then go to bed since he usually doesn’t sleep if he is in an argument.  One of the reasons that they say not to go to bed angry is because it’s typically difficult to sleep if you are angry. But what could be worse than going to bed angry is staying up and arguing...Here's what might happen if you stay up and argue:1.      Become more tired.2.      Think less clearly.3.      Get angrier the later it gets.4.      Get more triggered.5.      Say worse things.6.      Get more hurt.So instead of fixating on trying to get thru this fight so that you can get to bed, foc

  • #5.9 Two Households, Two Sets of Rules

    23/03/2023 Duración: 30min

    Let's start with a frequently asked question in divorced households: When my child goes to their dad’s house, he has different rules. When they come home, they think they can do whatever they want.  I am tired of the battle. How can I help them adjust to the different house rules? This is a brilliantly asked question about a common problem in divorced households. The question is not, “How can I get my ex to parent like me or to agree with me?” By the way, if you ask your ex to do this, they will most likely NOT just because it's you asking. But the question is, “How can I help my child adjust between the two homes?” Brilliant. This is not focusing on your ex, which you have no control over; this is focusing on your child.The answer is complicated… Managing the different rules, expectations, and personalities is challenging for the entire family. This can be highly emotional, and there’s likely to be some conflict as you figure out what works best for you, your child, and her father.  But you can help your chi

  • #5.8 Spending Too Much Time Together

    16/03/2023 Duración: 22min

    March 2020 was the beginning of a new reality for most of us—kids at home, adults at home, adult kids at home, everyone at home. As time passed, kids went back to school, but many adults continued working from home, which could be a significant change for many of us. There are so many good things about parents being at home, there for the kids, and there to help with the kids; when kids are napping, one parent can be at home while the other runs errands, so they have more time together. Some things may need improvement about both parents being at home, roles requiring clarification, and maybe too much time together. Seeing each other every day, all day, and all night might get annoying and on each other's nerves. Let's talk about how to cope with spending so much time together. Don’t hold grudges:  When you are constantly together, the only way to get through the day is to either spill or let it go. Always remind yourself to let go of things that aren’t important. If something is bothering you, take a minute

  • #5.7 - Let's Stay in Love

    09/03/2023 Duración: 27min

     When a relationship is new, you see the world through rose-colored glasses. Everything is fresh and new. As you look at each other, you see someone who is exciting and perfect. Even the world around you seems brighter and happier than before you found each other. In that “new” stage of a relationship, it’s easy to say loving things to each other. Those sweet words come naturally when you are together and then via text or phone at all hours of the day and night apart. Over time, however, things start to change. Challenges occur, and flaws emerge. The rose-colored glasses come off, and reality sets in. This is when love begins to morph a bit.  Saying loving things toward each other takes a bit more effort. Love takes more effort, but practice makes perfect! As you weather storms together, you develop a more profound love and appreciation for each other than ever before.If you’ve been out of that “new” stage for a while and need some ideas to freshen your love up, here we go: YOU LOOK GREAT! Compliments work an

  • #5.6 You Asked, We Answered

    28/02/2023 Duración: 31min

    This week Darren and Paige asked their listeners to submit questions that we have not addressed on the show. Some of these questions were hard to answer but we did it anyway. Check out the questions below.Have you been able to stay friends with other couples who had previously been friends with you & your ex?  If so, have those couple friends become friends with you & your new spouse?I am always interested in how couples attack the money issue…. I would say that is the hardest part of a marriage, I think kids are the hardest part of a marriage also without kids around what would there be to argue about except for money!What was the main motivation to decide to jump into the dating scene again after your divorces?Weren't you scared of getting into a relationship again? Especially with someone who was also divorced?How did you tell your kids and how did they respond when you told them you were getting remarried and they were going to have to live with step siblings etc? How hard was that?What advice wou

  • #5.5 Don't Say That!! Dumb Things We Say to Kids of Divorce

    23/02/2023 Duración: 26min

     Are we saying the wrong things to our kids about the divorce??? Probably!! We think we are saying good healthy things to help our kids thru the divorce, but are we? I know we are just human and we are trying our best. But it is hard, we are stressed, emotional and have never been thru this before, so we are struggling to say the right things and hope that we are. We want to have our kids get thru this devastating life changing with as little trauma as possible.  Our research department found information from psychologists on what are some phrases we are saying to our kids that we need to stop! I guarantee that we have and maybe still are saying some of these. Lets dig in: “Your dad” or “Your mom” – that tiny addition of the word “your” creates otherness in the family. If you are now saying “your” the child is now hearing a separateness in who they are connecting with. Divorce does create changes in the family dynamic, but honoring how the child sees the parent can help keep a sense of cohesion.   Nix the “yo

  • #5.4 The Horrible First Year Revisited

    09/02/2023 Duración: 38min

    The first year of blending families can be pretty tricky and downright horrible. In this episode, we talk about the challenges of throwing two families together and how we dealt with the obstacles we ran into.Listen to this EpisodeLove does not conquer all. For those of you that think everything has been rosy. It has not. This has brought up some tension and memories of the hard times. Sacramento Airport. We were naive enough that we thought love would be able to handle all of the problems we faced. That helped but was not enough. Everything was hard. Meshing kids. We had two 16-year-olds that were completely different from different kinds of friends. One very social and another not very social at all. You cannot force them to be friends; they don’t want to be. Now they are excellent friends. Meshing rules. Is there a double standard for some of the kids? Or is everything the same? Meshing discipline. Understanding boundaries with stepkids was rigid. Older kids and younger kids. Expectations for a clean house

  • #5.3 Why is our Marriage Boring????

    02/02/2023 Duración: 26min

    The week after Christmas was boring…. saying.At the beginning of a marriage, everything feels new and exciting. You've got romantic date nights planned for weeks, and what may become future annoyances are just endearing little quirks that make you love your spouse even more. But unfortunately, that honeymoon stage won't last forever. Eventually, things are going to simmer down, and you might even find yourself feeling, well, bored. You can start feeling that marriage is more like a routine than a relationship.Fighting the MonotonyLuckily, that feeling doesn't mean your marriage is doomed. All it means is that you might need to devote more time and energy to making things exciting again. Let's talk about what might be adding to the monotony of your marriage:You don’t surprise each other.It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, but finding ways to surprise your spouse, whether a gift or a thoughtful act, can keep your marriage fresh. “What do you and your partner need to feel loved?” Make sure your surprises

  • #5.2 Coping with Uncertainty

    24/01/2023 Duración: 27min

    Darren and Paige have been thinking a lot about 2023. There is so much uncertainty in the future right now. Darren has had a lot of luck with his work and will continue this year. They have had friends lose their jobs, friends waiting to see if they will lose their jobs, companies changing their compensation packages, the economy is slow simmering into a recession…a lot of uncertainty.This brings a lot of anxiety and worry. The article referenced for this podcast says anxiety is our organic coping mechanism for lack of control and information. But at a certain point, anxiety about something we will never be able to control is unhelpful and even harmful. So What Can We Do???Techniques for Coping with Uncertainty:Identify and tune out unproductive worrying"Productive worries tend to lead to actions that give us more control of our environment, whereas unproductive worries make us feel even more anxious and uncertain (thus leading to a vicious cycle)," Aldao explains.With this in mind, try to differentiate how m

  • #5.1 What happened in 2022

    17/01/2023 Duración: 29min

    We’re Back!!! It has been a while since we have done a podcast, but we are getting back into the swing of things for 2023.  It was a busy year! 4 of our kids got engaged in 2022!!! So fortunate to have all these new in-laws join our family.  Let's take a look at all the things that happened this year!! January – Darren and Paige went to Palm Springs for a short getaway. Super fun! February – Girls' trip with Ilene and Jill in Sedona and then a quick trip to Utah for Zoey’s birthday before Paige’s surgery!  March – Quick trip to So Cal to see my mom, sister, Dallin and Alex while Darren had work meetings.  April – Saw Journey and Toto! So fun!! Then off to Idaho for Andie and Jacobs's graduation, we were supposed to head to Brazil, but Darren got COVID. So instead, we stayed home; Paige got Covid too and went to Bodega Bay. Mid-April went to Utah for Julianne’s graduation.  June – Portugal, baby!!! And another trip to Utah for Mitchell’s first birthday. July – We had lots of summer visitors, which we love!! Au

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