Podcast From Italy: Ashley & Jason Bartner



Life in Le Marche, Italy - Two American expats share adventures of running an organic farm & inn, recipes, daily life & more!


  • 168 - The Dark Truth Behind Truffles: Why the cost is much higher than you think!

    26/05/2024 Duración: 56min

    Newsflash: Jason broke the plow, right away! So we are calling this the transition year in the garden & we explain what that means and why. After an unsuccessful trip into the woods for mushroom with the guests, it reminds me that we get asked a lot why we didn't get truffle hunting dogs or if we are training our dogs - the answer is darker than you may think as to why we won't ever get a truffle hunting dog. Speaking of animals - I had the opportunity to ride a quarter horse when I accidentally spent a morning with a group of Italian cowboys! Then we talk slice of life - Italian funerals (and Gaggi misbehaving) and 1st communion parties, as well as an unorthodox visit to the doctor's 'office.' Thanks for listening!!www.latavolamarche.com#lifeinItaly #italy #italianculture #trufflehunting #expatsinItaly #expatlife #travel #italytravel #truffles #italianfestivals #italiancelebrations

  • #167 - Memories of our first trip to Italy, 18 years ago today

    25/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    In this short & sweet or as Jason called it 'quick & dirty' episode we reminice about our first trip to Italy 18 years ago for our honeymoon and a few of the highlights & low points! Leroy is becoming an international stud, literally! And we shout out listeners from across the globe in interesting locations. Thanks for listening!!Join our Truffle Hunting Holiday in October & November: https://www.latavolamarche.com/truffle-hunting-holiday.html

  • #166 - An Easter Episode: Making Pizza di Pasqua & Ciccioli (Pork Cracklings)

    31/03/2024 Duración: 49min

    An Easter episode and recap of Spring! Jason explains not only how to make Crescia or Pizza di Pasqua a savory peppery Easter bread, as well as making homemade ciccioli (think pork cracklings), plus he shares his thoughts on using spent sourdough starter. We put our old & new tractor to their first real test, hilarious stories from dinners with Gaggi & his wife Rossana, bidding on farm equipment and a flatbed dump truck at an online auction and then what happens when you 'win'?! Thanks for listening and Buona Pasqua!Ashley & Jason from La Tavola Marche (farm, inn and cooking school) in Le Marche, ItalyNew dates added for this summer: https://www.latavolamarche.com/calendar.html#Italy #Easter #lifeinItaly #homesteading #recipes #breadbaking #sustainableliving #sustainabletravel #agriturismo

  • #165 - Slaughtering our 1st pig, Carnevale Dolce & Boar Hunter's Lunch

    25/02/2024 Duración: 47min

    #165 - Slaughtering our 1st pig, Carnevale Dolce & Boar Hunter's LunchKicking off a new season of the podcast with a whirlwind of activity in our valley! We slaughtered our first pig with the help of our neighbors and then took nearly a week to process it all to be either cured, eaten right away or into the freezer! The same week Jason took his driver's test and we were invited to a hearty lunch hosted by the boar hunters to celebrate the end of the season. We found out the hard way Italian's thoughts on puzzles, it's puzzling!! And of course winter dinners with Gaggi & Rossana a.k.a. our version of the Costanza's! And for any weather station fans - you can find us on www.wunderground.com search station id: ISANTA1503 Thanks so much for listening!

  • #164 - The Blessing of the Animals, Italian Driver's License Test, A New Tractor and Logistics of Slaughtering the Pigs

    29/01/2024 Duración: 45min

    So much is talked about in this jam-packed episode! From buying a used tractor and figuring out the transportation to the logistics of slaughtering our pigs. In local life talk - we take the dogs to the blessing of the animals for Santo Antonio di Abate and Gaggi and Rossana pop over for an impromptu dinner. The winter party time is over and it's time to get back to work with projects before the first guests arrive ...Thanks for listening!

  • #163 - Holiday Stories, Recipe for Wild Boar Sauce & A Major Award

    14/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    A little holiday recap and memories of La Befana and the living nativity scenes of years past. Jason shares a local boar sauce recipe after the hunters left us a nice little thank you gift! And we return with a listener favorite and name the winner of a 'major award'... Join us September 5-8 for the Polenta Feast & Ugly Club (Club dei Brutti) festival in Piobbico and get evaluated and inaugurated into the internationally famous Ugly Club!Thanks for listening!

  • # 162 - 2023 Recap

    13/12/2023 Duración: 58min

    We are finally back after a great season of guests with stories about the farm, animals, guests and of course Gaggi!

  • #161 - Gelato is on the Menu + Wild Life Encounters deep in the Italian countryside

    11/05/2023 Duración: 37min

    Spring is in full swing and we decided to procrastinate on a rainy evening & instead of working down our to-do list we recorded a new episode! We share crazy and funny wild life encounters at our farmhouse and along our road throughout the last 16 years! An update on our wifi (thanks to all that reached out with ideas!!), the garden, pigs and other projects. Plus we are now living that sweet warehouse life! Jason talks gelato now that we finally have a machine, he's busy recipe testing away!

  • #160 - Pasqua, Pigs & LARPing?!

    09/04/2023 Duración: 50min

    Happy Easter from Italy! We've been busy with Spring projects as usual during early Spring but for the first time Jason was at the helm of the tractor when we prepared the soil! Was it all he had built up in his mind over these past 15 years...? The pigs have finally arrived and making themselves at home nicely, it's really feeling like a farm now!  We discuss an interesting theory by a local butcher on why our cured sausages were a total fail. An update on archery and is this considered LARPing?!  And of course since it's Easter we talk pane brusca or crescia di Pasqua or savory Easter bread, a local tradition in our neck of the woods.  

  • #159 - Archery Classes, Formula 1 Racing & Clarkson’s Farm + A Chapter from the Book

    02/03/2023 Duración: 41min

    This episode we connect the dots between our archery classes and the Ferrari Formula 1 racing team - we have something very funny in common! Our thoughts on "Clarkson's Farm" along with seed planning for this year. Then hot talk on appliances! It's a wild one! After that, stick around because I read a chapter from the book! Thanks for listening!!

  • #158 - Pigs, Lake Garda and a Traffic Light

    16/02/2023 Duración: 52min

    We’re getting pigs! An update on their arrival and the winter weather along with water cooler talk about what everyone’s talking about in Piobbbico…!! We take a little getaway to Lake Garda and visit Verona for the European Outdoor Show. There’s a short break in the podcast when Gaggi calls for an update on the weather and then promptly tells us we must be wrong!  An update on our energy bill and a disgusting story about country living and a major bullet dodged! Plus listen to the end to find out our new exciting hobby…! Thanks for listening!

  • #157 - Holiday Recap

    10/01/2023 Duración: 42min

    A festive holiday recap - from dinner on Christmas and New Year's Eve with good ol' Dr. Gaggi to a satanic ritualistic sacrifice of sorts in the main piazza of Urbania during the La Befana children's festival vs. our memories of the same even 15 years ago and my has it changed! The sausages & salami have been made and hanging from the rafter, find out from Jason how he thinks they will turn out due to all this warm weather. Plus a sneak peek at the 2023 calendar as we discuss ideas for  Meat Week in September. But the most exciting news - Friday we are one step closer to getting pigs! Thanks for listening!!  

  • #156 - 6 months later... + 8 Memorable Christmas Market in Italy

    13/12/2022 Duración: 41min

    Ok so maybe this has become a bi-annual podcast! For those of you still listening, we start back in June and summer weather and the garden, then a hilarious story about our getaway to the Mediterranean where everything went wrong. An update on the "animal zone" including our newest edition to the farmhouse - Leroy our big blue Great Dane puppy! On to autumn and truffles, the soaring cost of energy and then remembering a few of our favorite Christmas markets in Italy and Europe! Happy Holidays!!!

  • #155 - Jam Packed Update on Everything!

    05/06/2022 Duración: 39min

    It's been six months since our last podcast, there's a lot to catch you up on! From 'what's new in 2022' including my big ticket impulse purchase & an update on our citizenship to our 'new' tractor, and daily life in Italy: cyber attacked, cow herding up the mountain, the cost of la dolce vita is going up and so much more!

  • #154 - FICO, Foot Surgery & Farm Animals

    10/01/2022 Duración: 40min

    A review of my trip to FICO Eataly in Bologna, tales from an Italian hospital for foot surgery and Jason's new adventures with our neighbor's farm animals! A jam packed, hilarious podcast that's for sure. Thanks for listening!!

  • #153 - Thanksgiving Leftovers

    26/11/2021 Duración: 36min

    From an overpriced wine tasting to tractor shopping, a hilarious Gaggi story and memories of Thanksgiving past - we hope you enjoy the latest episode!

  • # 152 - Finally we are BACK! Glory Garden, Citizenship, Summer Getaways along the Adriatic

    30/09/2021 Duración: 50min

    After a 6 month podcast hiatus we are BACK! With a hilarious update on life in the Italian countryside! From the glory garden and dry hot summer to a random rave, citizenship updated and meet the newest cat tiktoker! We share a few of our summer travels to Ravenna and Civita Nova Marche and laugh about my terrible ordering choices at a fancy bar. Thanks for listening!!

  • #151 - An action packed podcast!

    11/03/2021 Duración: 32min

    This week we are on fire, a lot has happened in our neck of the woods since the last podcast! From vongole shenanigans with Gaggi & Rossana, road work update, a "new look" for our old grocery store, a trip to the Farmer's Union, new tools for the garden, and answering questions about salt & yeast! Thanks for listening

  • #150 - A few of your questions answered & a chapter from the book, Truffle Mania

    01/03/2021 Duración: 32min

    After the snow the air has changed and it feels like Spring! We are busy soaking up the sun while working outside with the usual late winter cleanup of brush and tree trimming. Local gossip: the road meeting happened, we'll see if any action is taken. We answer a few of your questions until Jason is annoyed. And I read another chapter of the untitled, unpublished, unfinished book about our first year in Italy! Thanks for listening!

  • #149 - Fake Business is Booming & Eco Bonus Breakdown

    06/02/2021 Duración: 39min

    A Tim Dillon inspired podcast about conducting Fake Business of all sorts in Italy! A lunch in Fano with Gaggi & Rossana and an update from our neck of the woods with a breakdown on what we've learned about the Eco Bonus to restore a property.   The Covid Questionnaire to enter Italy: https://infocovid.viaggiaresicuri.it/returningtoitaly.html Check out the Tim Dillon Show Podcast - https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/  

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