Paleo Baby



The Paleo Baby podcast is a new show about growing up Paleo. From fertility, pregnancy, and lactation, to weaning, first foods, and primal living, we explore what it's really like to live Paleo from day one. As a Paleo and AIP family, we want to share what we've figured out as we've found health, started a functional medicine practice, merged families, and had a baby. We'll talk to experts in the Paleo community to learn how their families make it work, and learn from other leading minds in nutrition and health, to keep you up to speed. Join us as we document the trials and victories of living Paleo and raising our Paleo baby, Ivy Kay.


  • How to Wean Your Paleo Baby


    Worried you might be starting your baby off on the wrong foot by weaning onto all the foods that ended up causing you so much trouble? Are you tired (or frightened) of stick blenders, ice cub trays and sippy cups? Are your instincts telling you "there must be a better way to wean"?  The minimalist approach to baby-led weaning Cara and Julia discuss in this interview is both simple and effective, listen in and then send us your questions! Here’s the outline of this interview with Julia Kelly and Cara Champeny: [00:00:18] Both Julia and Cara have been through the paleo baby weaning process. [00:00:53] Cara, like me, has had her own personal health issues that were resolved by a paleo-type diet. [00:01:44] Cara's older son Wills was weaned in the usual way (onto cereal grains). [00:02:36] Wills also ended up with GI issues. [00:02:58] Cara was sure she wanted to do things differently with her youngest daughter, Maisie. [00:04:02] Baby-led weaning. [00:04:15] Avoiding exposure you

  • The Human Milk-Oriented Microbiota: Babies and Beyond


    Megan Sanctuary, MS, PhD candidate, is a student at the University of California, Davis. She is a member of the Milk Group that has been decoding mother’s milk for clues to lasting health for the past decade. She is currently using this basic science information to develop effective clinical interventions. A feature of the evolution of lactation is the explicit development of a symbiotic relationship between microbes and the mammalian host. This relationship is emerging as a key process of proper development. Human milk feeds and guides the colonization of the infant gut microbiota and nourishes the phenotypic state and metabolic processes of bacteria evolved to this unusual ecological niche. A milk-oriented microbiota (MOM) sets the infant up for a lifetime of health. The crosstalk between maternal milk and the infant gut has been the focus of research of an interdisciplinary and highly integrated team, the Milk Group, at UC Davis, for the past decade. Megan's group have used the insights gained

  • Whole Life Detox: A Holistic Approach to a Clean Environment


    Please join me and my dear friend Toréa Rodriguez, FDP-P, as we introduce you to our upcoming project: The Whole Life Detox. This podcast will give you the inside scoop and an invitation to our free online mini-class: Whole Life Detox | A Holistic Approach to a Clean Environment. On October 4th – Whole Life Detox: A Holistic Approach to a Clean Environment -FREE Webinar!  5pm PT / 8pm ET Ever think about detoxing your home?—you should. More toxins than you can possibly imagine permeate the average home, but it is possible to get your home completely clean WITHOUT getting overwhelmed. On October 4th, Toréa and I are hosting a live Q&A Webinar to help you clean out your home simply and easily! Register for the event here.

  • Understanding How We Evolved to Parent


    How do you approach big parenting decisions? Do you find yourself confused and conflicted with what the “experts” say? Have you wrestled with the idea of “sleep training,” bedsharing, or nursing schedules for your baby?  What if there was a way to approach all of the important topics so you were empowered to make the best choice for you and your family? My guest Tracy Cassels offers a sound and unique perspective that I think will help a lot of parents. Tracy has an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Science, masters in Clinical Psychology, and PhD in Developmental Psychology. She is the founder and lead author of the site Evolutionary Parenting. Evolutionary parenting is the idea that we have evolved and coevolved with our infants to create a unique relationship between babies and their caregivers. When we approach parenting challenges with the idea that these co-evolved relationships may, on a lot of levels, be at odds with our modern culture and way of life, it becomes clear t

  • What Is Disordered Eating?


    In this episode we take a detour through a slightly different topic for Paleo Baby. Disordered eating effects many people in many different ways. Eating too little, eating too much, body image, dieting, exercise, are all wrapped up in the definition and treatment of disordered eating. Unfortunately, those seeking help for this issue, and other mental health concerns, are often treated without regard to the person's biology, health challenges, or lifestyle, often leading to a long and bumpy recovery. At Nourish Balance Thrive, we’ve learned that nothing can be treated in a vacuum. As alternative health care providers, we understand the importance of treating the whole person to get to the root cause. It’s rare to find mainstream practitioners who are willing to concede that diet and lifestyle might contribute to your overall health concerns, especially mental health. As a therapist, Erika Holmes defies the status quo and is a breath of fresh air in this important conversation. Join us as we br

  • How to Protect Your Family from Environmental Toxicity


    Did you know? For personal care products, the European Union have banned 1,400 chemicals, Canada 600, and the US just 11. Do you think the FDA is safety testing your personal care products? They don’t. If someone asked Dr. Walsh, “what is the most important thing to for your health other than being positive and happy,” it would be that you absolutely have to get toxic chemicals out of your life. There is a growing body of evidence that chemicals in our environment are contributing to to cancer, autoimmune disease, allergies and asthma, obesity, hormone issues, and more. She firmly believes this is one of the largest contributing factors to the plague of diseases we are facing today. Women, in particular, seem to be extremely vulnerable because of all of the personal care and cleaning products they come in contact with on a daily basis. Listen to this podcast and Dr. Walsh will show you how easy it is to get the chemicals out of your life while still feeling, looking, (and smelling) fanta

  • A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol


    The autoimmune paleo diet described in Eileen Laird’s new book reversed occult blood found on my stool test result and brought my Hs-CRP blood test for inflammation back into the normal range. I was already eating a paleo-type diet before I made the switch to AIP, and with hindsight I suspect that seeds, nuts and eggs were the main foods still causing me problems. I’m not alone, and process of eliminating common food allergens and then doing careful reintroductions is frequently helpful for the athletes that we work with. We’ve recommended Sarah Ballantyne’s book to hundreds of people. My mother in law owns two copies and lends them to strangers all the time. No doubt it’s a fantastic book, but sometimes I feel badly for burdening people with the task of reading it, especially if they’re not feeling good. You’ve probably noticed that most of the volume of any book comprises of the argument to support the prescription. What if you don’t care about the argument

  • Is the Paleo Diet Sustainable?


    Engineers get into a lot of trouble when their designs fail. Think about the consequences of a collapsing bridge or a broken aeroplane wing. Failed software systems can also have catastrophic consequences for human life. Why is nutrition science any different? Poor food choices have far reaching consequences for both the individual and society as health care costs spiral out of control. Yet still we have obese vegan nutrition professors sipping diet coke as they teach dogma with no basis in science to impressionable young students. This madness has to end! Diana Rodgers is helping with bringing an end to the madness by embracing the traditional Registered Dietician education, whilst practicing everything she’s learnt through her interaction with real food pioneers Robb Wolf and Matt LaLonde. Diana has found that by working from within the system, with a credible certification, she’s likely to affect much more change in our current establishment nutrition policy. This isn’t her only conc

  • The Truth About Fertility and the Fertility Awareness Method


    It’s a scenario we’ve all experienced. You go to your OBGYN for your scheduled PAP smear just to get the box ticked on your health check up list, and wait for the Doctor to give you the “all clear.” Is that the best you can do? Is it the best you should do? Let me ask you a couple of very serious questions... How would your confidence, sense of empowerment, and self esteem be different if you knew how to be a more active participant in your own feminine health? What if you could truly understand your hormonal and reproductive health, and know the right steps to take in order to keep yourself in a state of optimal health in those areas? That may sound like a pipe dream, or something that’s going to require a lot more minutia than you want to invest. But think about it for just a second… This is YOUR health we’re talking about. It’s YOUR privilege and RIGHT to be able to take an active role in your own reproductive and hormonal health. There are things y

  • Anne Margolis: Nurturing a woman’s instinctive knowledge of how to birth her children


    Should you have your baby at home, hospital, or birthing center of some sort? It’s a very important question to consider. If you’ve never found yourself pondering this question, perhaps one day you will. I was only a few weeks pregnant when I started to consider my options, I wish now I’d started thinking about it sooner. I needed to find care practitioner for my pregnancy and I knew I wanted a midwife. On a referral from a friend, and eager to have my first appointment, I picked the first one I met, she was lovely, warm, compassionate, grandmotherly, and kind. When I told her I was also considering a birthing center and home birth, and she quickly preyed on the fears I had shared with her and guided me away from those options. Because she was a former home birth midwife, I trusted her opinion on the subject even more. Her experienced guidance was a relief for my worried pregnant brain in those early days. Unfortunately, her advice should have been a red flag. Instead of being concerned ab