Paleo Baby

The Truth About Fertility and the Fertility Awareness Method



It’s a scenario we’ve all experienced. You go to your OBGYN for your scheduled PAP smear just to get the box ticked on your health check up list, and wait for the Doctor to give you the “all clear.” Is that the best you can do? Is it the best you should do? Let me ask you a couple of very serious questions... How would your confidence, sense of empowerment, and self esteem be different if you knew how to be a more active participant in your own feminine health? What if you could truly understand your hormonal and reproductive health, and know the right steps to take in order to keep yourself in a state of optimal health in those areas? That may sound like a pipe dream, or something that’s going to require a lot more minutia than you want to invest. But think about it for just a second… This is YOUR health we’re talking about. It’s YOUR privilege and RIGHT to be able to take an active role in your own reproductive and hormonal health. There are things y