Dissecting Dragons



Authors J.A. Ironside and M.E. Vaughan talk about books, films and all aspects of speculative fiction, from the nuts and bolts of writing it, to its (occasionally) obscure origins.


  • Episode 417: An Abundance of Janes and Cathys - Retellings of the classics and why they usually suck pt 2

    24/05/2024 Duración: 01h23min

    Nineteenth century novels remain rich fodder both for adaptation and complete reimagining. However, it is rarely as easy as writers and screenwriters believe to strike the balance between respect for the source material, alteration to provide accessibility for a modern audience and presenting the themes which made the book a classic in the first place. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at what can go right and what can go horribly wrong when using classics as the basis for your story. Under the microscope this week - Ill Will - Michael Stewart, Bridget Jones' Diary - Helen Fielding, Persuasion and many more. (This is part two of a two part episode)   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 416: An Abundance of Janes and Cathys - Retellings of the classics and why they usually suck part 1

    17/05/2024 Duración: 01h17min

    Nineteenth century novels remain rich fodder both for adaptation and complete reimagining. However, it is rarely as easy as writers and screenwriters believe to strike the balance between respect for the source material, alteration to provide accessibility for a modern audience and presenting the themes which made the book a classic in the first place. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at what can go right and what can go horribly wrong when using classics as the basis for your story. Under the microscope this week - Iron Mask - Tina Connelly, Jane Steele - Lyndsey Faye, Wide Sargasso Sea and many more. (This is part one of a two part episode)   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 415: Seafarers, Swashbucklers and Chaotic Archaeologists - the evolution of Adventure Fiction

    10/05/2024 Duración: 01h16min

    From unlikely and surprisingly hardy explorers to accidental time travellers, adventure fiction combines the best of wonder and thrilling pace. Understandably seen as popcorn fiction by some due to its focus on pacey events and in-the-nick-of-time rescues, adventure fiction has a surprisingly long and distinguished pedigree. This week Jules and Madeleine travel back through the adventure fiction family tree, tracing it's origins forward to the slick Hollywood blockbusters and fast paced modern reads. Above all, the dragons focus on why this type of content is fun and engaging - something which various genres are capitalising on. On the slab this week - The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas, The Lost City, Indiana Jones and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 414: Seasons May Change - Stars Farmers & Wild Weather Calendars

    03/05/2024 Duración: 01h22min

    After a brief sabbatical, the dragons are back with an all new set of episodes!   This week, Jules and Madeleine delve into the folkloric symbolism and the physical reality of the seasons. Many writers overlook the importance of the seasons, and the various levels on which we interact with them, which means they miss an easy  opportunity for world building, character development, atmosphere and symbolism. How do seasons work in your fantasy world? Does your protagonist follow an agricultural, astrological, or personal calendar? How does the season reflect the mood? Can the changing of the seasons be symbolic of the character’s journey? These are all worth considering! On the slab this week - George R R Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire, Tamora Pearce - Circle of Magic, The Hamartia Cycle and many more. 

  • Episode 413: Dragon riders & wolf speakers - the Animal Soul Bond in Speculative Fiction

    09/02/2024 Duración: 59min

    An interesting slant on both the animal companion and the soul mate tropes, is the 'soul bonded animal' trope. It's been popular in sci-fi and fantasy for many decades but is reaching new levels of popularity with the recent wave of new fantasy.  But what is it about being emotionally and psychically connected to an animal - especially a fantastical animal - which captures the imagination? Why is it so much easier to swallow than the equally intense (in a different direction) fated mates trope? And just how can the soul-bound animal companion help move on the story and shape the main characters arc? Follow the dragons down the rabbit hole this week as they delve in to all these questions and more. On the slab: Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros, The Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey, Hid Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, Faebound -  Saari El-Arifi and many more. Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 412: By the Blade - the Evolution of Heroic Fantasy

    02/02/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    Heroic fantasy better know as Sword & Sorcery, is one of the oldest forms of modern fantasy. It's arguably the progenitor or at least co-parent of both Noblebright and Grimdark, as well as influencing several other subgenres of sci fi and fantasy. And yet despite this, despite its greater accessibility than Epic fantasy, Sword & Sorcery does not enjoy an unblemished reputation. This week the dragons take a look at why and whether that grimy reputation is deserved. In addition, what is is about Sword & Sorcery that so easily captures the imagination? How has it evolved over the decades? And is it pure esca[ism, or are there deeper themes? On the slab this week: Robert E Howard's Conan the Barbarian, Xena Warrior Princess, Ladyhawk, Silverglass by J F Rivkin and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 411: Kitchen Heroes - Humble Protagonists who get Things Done in Speculative Fiction

    19/01/2024 Duración: 01h11min

    Have you ever noticed how often a lynchpin character is not, in fact, 'the chosen one'? Or how many times a simple, mundane skill or a knack for being friendly and straight forward saves the day while high powered, flashy characters flounder? This week Jules and Madeleine look at why a 'kitchen hero' - someone who thinks about things like seeing to the horses' hooves or foraging for edible plants or sewing or organising - is an essential character in sci-fi and fantasy. These characters usually don't possess cool powers or above average ability with a sword. Often they're the ones every is surprised made it as far as they did. And yet, when you really pick apart their story arc, you discover that the entire mission would have failed without them. On the slab this week: Lord of the Rings, Heart's Blood - Juliet Marillier, Swordheart - T. Kingfisher and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 410: In a Rural Dream - The Rise of Cottagecore

    12/01/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    Aesthetic movements becoming literary genres is not a new thing; nor is the waxing and waning in fashion of those aesthetics. One such example which is enjoying something of a renaissance is 'cottagecore'. The celebration of a back to basics simple, rural life with emphasis on low conflict and high crafting has reached a huge level of popularity. Not surprising considering the recent slew of socio-economic and geo-political events over the last half a dozen or so years. But how do you add an aesthetic to your writing? What makes cottagecore so versatile and able to overlay a variety of genres? And is it technically a genre in it's own right yet? Find out in this week's episode. Under the microscope this week: Practical Magic, Bloom - Delilah S Dawson, Kiki's Delivery Service and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 409: Pitched Perfectly - The Film was Better than the Book

    05/01/2024 Duración: 01h28min

    The dragons are starting the year with the controversial take that sometimes the film adaptation of a story is better than the book. Obviously this is a bold take as any book worm will tell you, but is there any truth in it? How much is down to personal preference or accessibility of story? How much is a result of what media you engage with first? And are there stories where the adaptation goes in a completely different direction and does better with the original material than the book? Find out in this week's episode. On the slab - The Witches of Eastwick - John Updike, Wicked - Gregory McGuire, Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 408: There’s good news and...more good news - 2023 in review

    29/12/2023 Duración: 01h29min

    For the final episode of 2023, the dragons are once again suggesting that the last year wasn't as bad as you might think. Certainly, it wasn't as bad as the 24hr news cycle would have you believe. This week, in a light and hopeful episode, Jules and Madeleine take a look at some of the good things that have happened in 2023 - from advances in medicine and science to conservational wins - before rounding up with some of their favourite speculative fiction moments of the last year.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 407: Jingle Bell Rock - Storytelling through the medium of songs the Christmas edition

    22/12/2023 Duración: 01h14min

    Tis the season and this week the dragons bring you a festive episode that looks at how songs can tell surprisingly complicated and nuanced stories. Since it's almost Christmas, Jules and Madeleine have chosen well known Christmas songs for those experiment. Join them for a light hearted, sort-of writing based episode - perfect for listening to as you do some last minute present wrapping.   The Dragons send Seasons Greetings to all their listeners. Wishing you joy no matter how you celebrate.     

  • Episode 406: A Picture Says a Thousand Words - The Rise of the Graphic Novel

    15/12/2023 Duración: 01h16min

    The creation of graphic novels is not only a form of illustration but a type of story telling in its own right, and one with a far older history than you might guess. Despite an undeserved reputation for being a soft form of reading (something they share with audio books) graphic novels are nuanced and multi layered, often able to communicate several things at once in a way that other books just don't. This week, Jules and Madeleine delve into the startling origins of this type of storytelling, looking at what makes a graphic novel work and drawing on examples from their favourites. Under the microscope this week: Punderland by Linda Sejic, Mouseguard by David Peterson, The Boys by Garth Innis and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 405: The Fairest of Them All - The Pursuit of Beauty as a Literary Device

    08/12/2023 Duración: 01h24min

    There are many physical characteristics which, when used in storytelling, have ingrained concordances with less tangible traits. It's a code we imbibe through fiction starting with folktales and continuing through ever possible genre and storytelling mode. Beauty is one of these characteristics and as real life push back spills over into how fiction is written, descriptions of physical beauty are being scorned. At least by a small very vocal contingent. So just what are you saying when you incorporate physical beauty in your character make up? The dragons are willing to bet you're saying more than you perhaps realise. This week Jules and Madeleine explore what associations come package with this characteristic, why you might want to use it (despite the naysayers) and how to do it in a way that enriches your character, rather than detracts from them. On the slab this week: The Picture of Dorian Grey - Oscar Wilde, Rouge - Mona Awad, Fairest - Gail Carson Levine and many more. Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cy

  • Episode 404: It was Great Apart from the Ending - Beloved Fiction that Wobbled on the Dismount

    30/11/2023 Duración: 01h40min

    Writing a book is hard. Ending a book in way that satisfies most of your readers is unbelievably hard - even before you factor in that you will never please everyone. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at why this is true. Examining books and films they enjoyed but which didn't stick the ending, the dragons list the ways an ending can fail its fans and how to avoid this.  On the slab this week: Avengers Endgame, The Mist - Stephen King, The Witcher Season 3 and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 403: The Old Family Business - Gangster Witches and Legacy Monster Hunters

    24/11/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    A SFF trope currently rising in popularity is that of the magical crime family. This is especially prevalent in conjunction with magic wielders and witches. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at why mixing the popular 'gangster' trope with magic is such a winning combination, before comparing it with another staple of the genre - the legacy monster hunter. Technically both have a wobbly relationship with the law, but each are approaching (generally) from opposite directions, so why are both equally popular? On the slab this week: Supernatural, One for my Lover - Olivie Blake, The Mayfair Witches series - Anne Rice and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode: 402 Of Gold and Hubris - Tracing the Origins of Rumpelstiltskin

    17/11/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    This week, the dragons bring you another fairy tales in focus episode. Rumpelstiltskin is a mixed bag when you really look at it, but this macabre and often funny tale of deception and trickery has always resonated with children. However, this story dates back far further than the Brothers Grimm. In fact there's good evidence that it may be one of the oldest fairy tales in existence. Join Jules and Madeleine as they take a look at what's hidden in the story, from it's probable bloody origins as a tale of bargaining and sacrifice to its more modern retellings as a horror story or an upbeat fantasy. On the slab this week: Gilded - Marissa Meyer, Spinning Silver - Naomi Novak, A Curse as Dark as Gold - Elizabeth C Bunce and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by smiling Cynic

  • Episode 401: Girls on Ice - a History of the Fridging Trope

    10/11/2023 Duración: 01h33min

    Regular listeners of the show will already know that very few tropes and writing trends are actually new. All of them have come from somewhere and often those origins are surprising. The fridging trope is one that bears a justifiable amount of scorn but it's also one that exists for a reason and has a shockingly long pedigree. This week, Jules and Madeleine travel back to the earliest recorded origins of this trope, before looking at why it exists and how to take the necessary elements of it and use it in your own work in a way that isn't problematic. From Ancient Greece to World War II, from Early Medieval Wales to the Arthurian Cycle, the dragons take a tour through time and storytelling.    Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 400: Strange Fruit in the Gallant South - Exploring the Southern Gothic

    03/11/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Gothic fiction may have started out as a sophisticated joke, but like so many initially unlikely genres, it picked up a following, developed rules and tropes and then continued to surprise and delight readers for the next two hundred and fifty years. Gothic fiction - like traditional ghost stories - holds up a mirror to the human soul often with unflattering results. Considering its roots in desolate, crumbling castles and stormy nights, its a surprisingly versatile and slippery genre which probably explains why it takes some interesting turns when it travels across the pond. American gothic or southern gothic followed a similar evolutionary path from being a ghastly joke to taking on a life and power of its own. This week, Jules and Madeleine look at the key differences between the parent and child genres as they delve in to what makes the Southern Gothic tick like the Tell Tale Heart. Under the microscope this week - Edgar Allen Poe, Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches, Rosemary Clement Moore's The Splendour Falls

  • Episode 399: This Set is Cursed - Strange Events Behind the Scenes at Horror Films

    27/10/2023 Duración: 59min

    This week's episode in the October spookathon takes a look at horror films. Now, obviously creepy and strange things happen on the sets of horror films - that's sort of the point. But what about all those accounts of rum goings-on that aren't in the script? Is there a logical explanation? Are they urban legends or promotional stunts? Or could there possibly be something truly inexplicable going on? Find out as Jules and Madeleine pull back the curtain on the darker areas of the silver screen. On the slab this week - Nightmare on Elm Street, The Twilight Zone, The Possession and many more. Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic 

  • DD Episode 398: Joyous Companions Forever - examining the queerness of the vampire genre

    20/10/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    Part two of a two part episode   Continuing both the spooky season and their examination of how vampires in fiction challenge all standards of norm, the dragons delve further into our favourite fanged monsters. This week Jules and Madeleine tackle vampires in conjunction with coming of age, identity and the parallels between sex and death. Under the microscope this time: The Lost Boys, Let the Right One In, The Vampire Diaries by L J Smith and more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

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