Get More Referrals Today

Why Referrals Don’t Work At The Level You Want Them To & How To Fix That!



I would find it hard to show you more than a handful of businesses that get a consistent flow of 20, 30 or even 50+ referrals every single month. Most businesses if they get 2 or 3 think they are smashing it. Over the years I have come to see that there is a simple reason why referrals don't work and why the majority of businesses can't grow a business through referrals. But, there is also a simple answer and just 1 tweak that you can make, that will explode your business with more referrals pretty much instantly. In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'm going to work on your thinking of what a referral actually is and give you 2 things that you can start doing immediately to ensure you bring in more referrals in the next 24hrs. You see you don't have to spend thousands of dollars a month on paid ads You don't have to write blogs with keywords throughout to ensure you're SEO is working You don't have to run from networking event to networking event You just need to shift your thinking and do these 2 act