Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

141: Do We Really Need To Get Back Into The Swing Of Things?



Season 8 of the WANTcast is here! 1. What we really mean when we're saying we need to "get back into the swing of things" 2. Four practices and ideas to help you move forward — without letting the negative self-talk spiral of "I should do this" or "I used to do this, so why can't I now" get in your way. 3. Why Katie is extremely allergic to hopping on bandwagons, why this maybe isn't the best thing, and how to think of it instead. and more!   Love the WANTcast? Share it with a friend, subscribe, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts telling people why you love it. Find us at womenagainstnegativetalk.com Follow Katie on Instagram and Twitter @katiehorwitch, or visit katiehorwitch.com