

I am so honored & grateful that I got to have an amazing conversation with Latham Thomas, the mastermind  behind the [Mama Glow](Latham is helping to green the planet one belly at a time.) empire. She has created an amazing brand and her work  as a sought after nutrition and lifestyle expert has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, Inside Edition, New York Daily News, New York Post, The Sunday Styles, Fit Pregnancy, Time Out New York, Vogue, Whole Living, Essence Magazine, VegNews, and the cover of Experience Life Magazine. Her book “Mama Glow: A Hip Guide to Your Fabulous Abundant Pregnancy”  is not only a must read for anyone having a baby, but also anyone birthing anything from a book to a new job. Latham is a maternity lifestyle maven, wellness & birth coach, and yogi on the vanguard of transforming the maternal wellness movement. A graduate of Columbia University & The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Latham is the founder of Mama Glow - a holistic lifestyle hub for women to explore their