The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

127 | Talia Pollock of Party in My Plants on Finding Humor in the Wellness World /Every where, Infusing Food with fun, and More!



FULL SHOW NOTES : here Ongoing Notes: -Sign-up for the my newsletter! -Join the listener Facebook Group -Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling or leave a review if you have read it! -Yay! DONATE TO THE SHOW!   | Amazon link Events: --GET UPDATES ON EVENTS ON THE FACEBOOK GROUP--Notes from the show: -Talia's Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest -Talia's my free "get the plant party started!" guide  -Daily Green Smoothie video Talia mentions in the episode -For those that want to easily and not-suck-ily eat more plants -- her awesome plant-party coaching info. - Podcast episode with Emily Nolan where we dive deeper into the topic of food energetics - Christy Harrison's past pod episodes: Season 3 & Season 4 - Natural Calm Magnesium which Talia uses in her evening routine -Sick In The Head -- book by Judd Apatow