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160 | Misty Boyce musician on Body Image, Self-Worth, Eating Disorders, & Creativity



I met Misty on a beach in Hawaii. She was [is] so beautiful, engaging, and talented that she would have been wildly intimidating yet she was also warm, kind, and sweet so I felt immediately comfortable around her. She's someone who, when she talks to you is completely present making you feel like you're the most important person in the room rather than looking around for the next best person to talk to. Getting to know Misty more I realized we had a lot in common when it came to our tumultuous relationships with food and our body image. I never would have guessed that seemingly confident Misty would have struggled in the same way I did with this but she did and does... We had a really long, meandering, raw, vulnerable conversation about everything from her own eating disorder and body image struggles, to where she's at now healing it all so I thought it would be a perfect conversation to air for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. While some of this conversation is heavy on the body image and eating f