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166 | Sarah Britton of My New Roots on Holistic Living, Cooking, Relationships, Movement, Manifestation, & Motherhood



Full show notes here. Sarah Britton of My New Roots was one of the first food blogs I started following over 7 years ago. Sarah didn't know it at the time but she was my holistic habits mentors - teaching me from a far everything from how to cook quinoa, to the wonder that is nutritional yeast and other kitchen tricks I had never heard of. Now, years later, her blog has become hugely popular, she's become a mother to a beautiful baby boy, has written two books, and her business has expanded beyond what she had ever expected. In this conversation we explore topics you may expect like healthy habits both in the kitchen and in everyday life. But we also talk about things you may not have expected like manifestation, travel and living abroad, and our mutual love for Abraham Hicks. There is something for everyone in this conversation and honestly we could have talked for hours more. Take a listen and let us know what you think in the Facebook Group. If you loved the episode and have more questions that we didn't c