The Wellness Wonderland Radio: | Self-Help | Health | Creativity | Spirituality | Yoga | Fitness | ...

194 | Jamie Mendell on Big Decisions, Intuitive Living (& eating), Uncertainty, Body Image, Self Awareness + more!



I met Jamie last year through my best friend Simi who raved about her. We met when I was in town for my book launch and stayed in touch over the internet. When I moved to NYC I new Jamie was one of the people I was dying to get to know more and eventually record a podcast conversation with.  While we'd only hung out a handful of times, speaking to her felt like speaking to an old friend. The conversation flowed with ease and meandered into a million directions from intuitive eating to making big decisions, uncertainty that comes with them, self-care, body image, eating disorders, comparison,  self awareness, and career transitions. I caught up with Jamie in a really pivotal moment in her life, she's in a new romantic relationship and about to move away from the east coast for the first time. I can't get enough of Jamie, we had dinner last week and her chill energy, sound advice, and earnestness is magnetic. We recorded this in her Manhattan apartment a couple weeks ago, hope you love listening as much as I lo