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3 Critical Referral Mistakes That I See Service Professionals Making Every Day



Last week I got to participate in a great summit and seeing it was in the USA it meant lovely 3am starts for me for 3 days straight. The big attraction was the strategic alliances and opportunities to create some new amazing partnerships with people from around the globe and widen the circles. Like with any event you have a wide array of businesses and experience, but what surprised me was how different the top people at building relationships were vs the others. There were 3 huge mistakes that I saw over and over and over again, so I thought it would be valuable to share these with you, so if you were doing them you could stop right now. Getting referral partners, leveraging through partnerships, growing your networks with people who can promote you, has always been the fastest, cheapest and most reliable way to grow a business. When humans come together to help one another there can be some real magic that takes place. Unfortunately, too many make these 3 mistakes and therefore don't get the opportuni