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Episode 140 — Finding Harvey Lillard, Chiropractic’s First Patient and “BJ Palmer Nut,” Dr. Steven Simmons



Chiropractors worldwide know the story of the first chiropractic patient, Harvey Lillard. But very few know what became of him after his historic day in chiropractic history.... that is until now. Join Dr. Thomas Lamar as he podcasts alongside Dr. Graeme Gibson On Location in Seattle, WA from the once forgotten gravesite of our profession's famed janitor, to learn "the rest of the story." Plus, Dr. Lamar continues the history theme of this episode by taking you back to the Fall 2011 New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekend to listen-in on an interview with self-proclaimed "BJ Palmer Nut," Dr. Steven Simmons. (Show recorded On Location at Lake View Cemetery in Seattle, WA. Interview with Dr. Simmons recorded On Location at the Fall 2011 New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekend in Long Branch, New Jersey).