Spinalcolumnradio - Chiropractic Interviews, Philosophy, History, Politics, Comedy | Spinal Column Radio For The Chiropractor

Episode 170 — ChiropracTIC History Saga Episode; Mission Possible ChiroFEST 2013; and Sottile and Gorman Interviewed Together



It's the Spinal Column Radio "Saga Episode." Join Dr. Lamar and Logan for their last "regular" show as they "clear the countertop" to make way for the upcoming Finale Show. On this episode they step you back into chiropracTIC's past with a boatload of exciting chiropractic history, and then step you forward into its future with ChiroFEST 2013's Mission Possible. Plus they sit down for with ChiropracTIC's Principled Funnyman and Funnywoman, Dean Sottile and Sharon Gorman, for an unforgettable duo-interview that will have you laughing and taking notes at the same time. History topics covered: DD Palmer's Portland Chiropractic College with Nathan Cashion reporting on location; "A Journey for the TIC Like None Other" — The Searby Saga (the story of Mack and Dorothy Searby's quest to study at the PSC); Gary Street and BJ's Chiropractic Scrapbook; DD's other son (BJ's older brother) Frank Palmer's grave site rediscovered; BJ's Parrot; Fred Barge's Rats in a Dump; DD's Mammoth Tusk; DD visits Seattle; BJ Palmer Ma