Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #157: Lovership w/ Rick Wilkes



I always find my conversations with Rick Wilkes interesting. Of all of the interviews I do they tend to be the least planned because they are much more interesting conversations than they are traditional interviews. When I email Rick to see what he wanted to chat about this time he replied with the world "lovership". My first thought was, "That sounds great!” and then, “I have no idea what that means." When Rick uses the word lovership he is talking about how we create relationships (that aren't sexual) in a way that is open, transparent, and in congruence with the other person. It is somewhere between making choices out of obligation (saying yes or no without thought) and always saying yes to any request a friend has. It is a state of intentional friendship building. It is a great conversation that will help you to evaluate if your relationships are serving you.