Do It For The Process

State of the Studio Address // an honest look behind the scenes



Hello dear listener! Before we begin, would you please rate and review this podcast? TY BB!   This episode of going to be a bit raw and real. A lot has evolved in the studio since we last talked. I've hired a whole new team (including my husband!). We are continuing the things that work while doing our best to weave sustainability into the productivity. My creative practice has ebbed and flowed and I'll bring you behind the scenes on that process.  I'm opening the doors to The Creative Maven Mastermind tomorrow (October 21st)! I am SO EXCITED about offering this year-long mastermind again. If you are craving a space to nourish your dreams, grow your business, and step into greater success, then apply to join us! Applications are open for just under a month.  Traveling, resting, working on health... Last summer we talked about burnout (episode 41, August 30th 2020) and the process of healing from Burnout has been slow and constant. A metaphor came to me while expressing how this process feels that I t