Alaska Tracy Podcast

#5 Twitter - You’ve Heard Tweets, but what about Twitter Chatter?



Welcome to this week's Biz Vizion episode with special guest Zachary Jeans.  Zach is a Keynote Speaker, Independent Strategist, and Salesforce Ecosystem Influencer. He’s all about the chatter on Twitter and goes beyond the one-sided sharing. Today, we’ll chat about the impact and why it matters; plus, for those who stay tuned, there’s a FREE gift at the end! I was fortunate enough to meet Zach 5 or 6 years ago on a Twitter Chat called “Lead From Within” with Lolly Daskal.  Zach and I and a group of leaders met every week for a few years.  We formed business and personal relationships.  I also did business coaching with Lolly at one point!  These relationships have been instrumental in the growth of Alaska Tracy.  The group of leaders refer business to one another and, more importantly, help provide business support.  When I get stuck, am challenged or have a business question, I can reach out to the host of friends I connect with worldwide. Zach has gone on to form the Tweet Chat Impact Matters on Mondays