The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1761: Nate Klipfel On The Connection Between Diet, Addiction, And Mental Health



On today’s episode of the LLVLC Show, Jimmy welcomes Nate Klipfel to talk about the connection between diet, addiction, and mental health.   “I started off as a trainer going ‘by the book’ and I wasn’t seeing clients have dramatic transformations. I started doing research on nutrition and implementing that research with my clients. That’s when I started seeing tremendous change.” - Nate Klipfel GET STARTED WITH THE KETO CHOW STARTER BUNDLE at In this episode, Jimmy is pleased to welcome in a nutritionist and personal trainer named Nate Klipfel who shares his remarkable story of beating his seizure disorder, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and brutal mental health issues by switching over to more of a keto/carnivore/fasting diet approach. Nate has seen hundreds of clients over the years suffer needlessly with anxiety, depression, and more–and he’s helped them with the same diet and fitness plan that helped him set powerlifting state records even with a slipped disc and severe foram