Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

Special Edition: On Endings + Beginnings with Sascha Alexander



This is a !!special!! edition of the WANTcast: The Women Against Negative Talk podcast, episode seven. I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet: You'll notice the timing is off on this one. This is actually an extra episode. Last WANTcast I asked you all if you’d like an extra episode before the new year and the typical three-week mark, and the answer was a resounding YES. So, here you go!What I decided to do is call up a friend of mine, actress and activist Sascha Alexander, who’s actually been on WANT before, and just see where the conversation took us. Which, turns out, always leads to the best conversations.We end up talking about upper limits, success hangups, pole dancing, empowerment, how to define yourself, endings, beginnings, what it’s like to go viral - and I end up revealing some news on here that I wasn’t really planning on. Lots of laughing, lots of deep talk…everything I love most. Endings and beginnings. I hope you all know how much I love you for listening and for joining me on this journ