Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

028: On Fixing Others, Food Issues, Forgiveness + Feeling Fly As F**k (No Matter What) with Jessica Murnane of One Part Plant



If you've been following along with WANT for a while, you're probably already familiar with who I'm about to introduce you to - at the very least just because I talk about her all. the. time. Today's guest is Jessica Murnane, wellness advocate, podcast host, and creator of the One Part Plant movement. She's the author of a brand new cookbook, One Part Plant, and the host of two wildly successful podcasts: One Part Podcast and The Cookbook Deal. After being diagnosed with endometriosis and receiving a pretty crazy ultimatum from her doctors, Jessica decided to try overhauling her diet to see if she could heal herself naturally. Fast forward to today, and Jessica now has zero of those debilitating endometriosis symptoms and follows a full-on plant based diet. If Jessica looks familiar, it might be because she’s been on WANT before. First in an interview, next on the tenth episode of the WANTcast, and then lots of guest appearances here and there as she's become a dear friend and a person I feel is truly out the