Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

029: On Being Healthy-ish + Building A Brand (And Life) With Lasting, Long-Term Value with Derek Flanzraich of Greatist



Do you ever feel like everyone else is running circles around you while you're walking through quicksand toward success? If you're like me, you're probably nodding your head vigorously, right? I thought so. Whether it's business success, achieving that ever-elusive "healthy lifestyle," or making an impact in the world, the pressure to perform is real. A lot of times I find myself all tied up in mixed messages: one day someone's telling me to do what works for me, the next day they're telling me a $500 supplement is the answer to all my problems. One day I'm encouraged to go slow and steady, the next I'm being sold a recipe for overnight success. My life naturally ebbs and flows - sometimes I'm in periods of fast growth and rapid success, but most of the time it's about those small shifts or baby steps. So when  websites, blogs, celebrities, influencers, etc etc etc etc tell me one thing but show me another, it can begin to feel like there's this pressure to keep up. Especially in the "health and wellness" spa