Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

#25: New York Times Best Selling Author, Adam Zickerman: Why Everyone Should Strength Train and How To Get Maximum Exposure For Your Business



Adam Zickerman is a New York Times Best Selling Author with his book, Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution. He is the CEO and Founder of InForm Fitness Studios, providing high intensity strength training personal training throughout seven facilities across the US. Adam holds an undergraduate degree in biochemistry from Binghamton University, and was certified in 1995 as a personal trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). He also studied under Ken Hutchins, the architect of slow-cadence strength training, for his level 1, 2 and Master SuperSlow® certifications. Self-taught in equipment design, biomechanics and exercise physiology, Adam has written a comprehensive trainer certification course, for qualified applicants, on the principles of high intensity training and the Power of 10 methodology. Adam and I get into some really interesting concepts in this interview. We kick off with how Adam got into HIT and what he learned from his mentors, Ken Liestner and Ken Hutchi