The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1375: LLVLC Classic - Sam Feltham Dispelling Calorie, Weight Loss, And Conventional Dietary Wisdom Myths



London-based health and fitness expert and Director of the Public Health Collaboration Sam Feltham is our interview guest today in Episode 1375 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show.” Frustration has been building over the current state of nutrition recommendations in the past few years and the concern about how these dietary guidelines being promoted as “healthy” are directly impacting the chronic health issues we are dealing with all around the world.There are so many people attempting to communicate to frustrated dieters what it takes to lose weight and get fit. But with so many conflicting messages being disseminated to the general public, it has become increasingly difficult to cut through what’s true and what’s not. That’s why you should try to rely on people you trust like personal trainer and health activist Sam Feltham from “Smash The Fat” in the UK. Listen in as Jimmy and Sam discuss the contents of his book on slimming (not sliming!), his concerns over the fallacies of the calorie hypothesis, why he