The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1387: Cassie Bjork Gives Up Her Dietetics License For Refusing To Push Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet



Former registered dietician Cassie Bjork talks today about giving up her dietetics license for refusing to toe the industry line and now is helping people get the most out of their nutrition.   Cassie Bjork, RD from Cassie.Net is a globally recognized industry leader in weight loss, a highly sought-after speaker, and the #1 international best-selling author of Why Am I Still Fat?: The Hidden Keys to Unlocking That Stubborn Weight Loss. For over ten years, she has helped tens of thousands of women and men achieve the bodies and lives they want—not by starving or skimping, but by eating foods that fuel effective and sustainable weight loss. After nearly a decade as a licensed dietitian, Cassie relinquished her dietitian license after a five year battle with her state licensing board over what she could teach. This is the story of how governing bodies are influenced by the Big Food industry and why outdated diet approaches are still prevalent—even in the face of contradicting scientific findings. Listen in to