The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1405: Lauren Geertsen On Trusting, Loving, And Learning From Your Body In The Midst Of Disease



Author and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) Lauren Geertsen joins us today to talk about loving your body in the midst of disease. Lauren Geertsen from Empowered Sustenance is an author and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) who helps women connect to their body's wisdom so they can heal themselves. She began the wellness website Empowered Sustenance at age 19 when she overcame a debilitating disease through a grain-free lifestyle. Now, Empowered Sustenance has supported over 35 million international readers with for healthy recipes and holistic resources. Lauren has written two Amazon bestsellers, "Quit Acne" and "Quit PMS." Her next book, expected 2019, will help women trust their bodies so they can access their intuition. Listen in today as Jimmy talks with Lauren about her healing journey, and the process of learning how to trust your body, what it means to trust your body, her journey with autoimmune disease, why she felt her body was a “war zone” and attacking itself, why Western medicine and