Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

EPS 106: Life Is Hard, What Are You Going To Do About It With Stacey Brass-Russell



If things in your life are tough right now, and you feel stuck, what are you going to do about it?You’re allowed to feel angry, confused, overwhelmed...all totally normal human emotions. But after you’ve felt those things...what are you going to DO about it? This podcast has all the juice and wisdom you’ve been craving to get you over and move beyond whatever isn’t working for you. It’s time to put those big-person panties on and dream again. You want to wake up every day saying, YES, DAY! Let’s DO THIS! If you’re not saying that, then a change is going to do you good.Stacey Brass-Russell is the founder of INSPIRED EVOLUTION™ LLC in New York City and is an evolution life coach and business strategist. Her mission is to inspire and motivate you to step into whatever is happening in life and to use it as a catalyst to activate your resilience, creativity, and power so that you can thrive amidst all of life’s ups and downs and see that change is not a sign of failure but rather your opportunity to EVOL