Zinecore Radio

Ax Wound Radio: Nos' Radio Birthday Party Bash!



Today the universe brought us Jessie Seitz. Jessie (also known as gothic/alt model Nos) has been working with Wicked Pixel Cinema since 2005: An actress, producer, production designer, writer, performance artist, and a business woman. You may have seen her in the pages of Bizzare Magazine, Superbitch, Lollipop, Meat Socket, Ultra Violet, and Gothic Beauty (she is a writer for GB as well). Film credits (in which she plays multiple roles as actress and behind the scenes) include: Ratline, I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave, Deadwood Park (which is streaming on Netflix) , and her upcoming directoral debut "FIVE." In Ax Wound: Gender & The Horror Genre #3 Jessie wrote a piece about her transformation into "Nos" and the empowerment that comes from doing things her own way in the genre. Tonight it's an honor to hear her talk about this off the page. Feel free to call into the live show and wish Jessie a happy birthday and/or ask her a question =) Keep up with her on Facebook! Music:Bonsai Kitten - "Kil