

Did you start your business or a movement to make an impact? To reach millions with your message? To help hundreds, if not thousands of people?I hope so. It’s those big hairy and ambitious goals we set for ourselves that often propels us into starting something that matters in the first place.But the thing that often stops us from fulfilling our dreams is never getting the visibility, credibility and reach we desire – in order to impact millions.If you’ve been struggling to get your message out to those who matter mostIf you’ve dreamed of having a feature story on a major news siteIf you’ve wanted to land a cover story and multi-page spread in an industry magazineIf you want to be interviewed by your favourite influencer on their podcast.Then listen up my friend.In this podcast (and video interview) with my friend Selena Soo, we cover off on a few ways to start using publicity to propel your dreams, amplify your impact and help you grow your confidence and profits.Tune in to learn:Why publicity is so importan