

Here’s something I never thought I’d say: you can absolutely go from entrepreneur to a millionaire CEO in four steps. And they’re four pretty easy steps. They just take a lot of YOU to get them done. But YOU are awesome. So, let’s smash this.What is the difference between being a lifestyle entrepreneur and being a 7-figure CEO? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.At least, there doesn’t have to be. A lifestyle entrepreneur is defined as “an individual who creates a business for the purpose of changing their lifestyle instead of making profits.” But we are not definitions in a dictionary, are we? Hell, no. As someone who spent nine years as a lifestyle entrepreneur, I’ll say it again: HELL NO to that.And I say it in my UNTAPPED podcast this week too.Here’s why: there is no reason why you can’t have your cake, and eat it. Yes, you can focus on your lifestyle, work 20-25 hours a week, and spend the rest of your time exploring the city you’re in. But you can also make a (BIG) profit if you operate a great business, and you’r