Nighttime Live With Bob Harris

"The Vet is In" on Saturday's "Harris Happening"



Dr. Derine Winning of the Valley Veterinary Hospital in Fargo was on the Harris Happening Saturday with another great show filled with info about your favorite pet. Some of the topics in this podcast: Is this "Pretty Litter" stuff I've seen on TV something I should consider for my cat? Some things you should keeps an eye on this fall that may concern your pets including Mums? With cooler temps will there be less ticks? What about mice on the move to warmer your home? Spring traps or poisons? Watch out for dogs chewing those fire starter logs. Should you  get a wire kennels or plastic ones? Is it okay to buy a used kennel for your pet. Start conditioning your dog now for hunting season and What should you have in your "hunting kit" And "Grain Free Diets for your dogs. Valley Veterinary Hospital is located at 3210 Main in Fargo,call 232-3391 or check the website at     See for privacy information.