Nighttime Live With Bob Harris

'From Renoir to Kostabi" exhibit underway at Plains Art Museum



Andrew Maus, Director and CEO of the Plains Art Museum tells us of the exciting new exhibit featuring works of some legendary artists. From Renoir to Kostabi features selected works by six historically or critically acclaimed artists whose careers collectively span more than one hundred years, from the late nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Four of the artists, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec , Pablo Picasso , and Marc Chagall have been well known worldwide for many decades. The two other artists, equally deserving of such recognition, are likely being introduced to most exhibition visitors for the first time. Marcel Mouly  was the last figure from the ‘School of Paris’ group to live well into the first decade of the new Millennium. Mark Kostabi (born 1960) is a widely celebrated contemporary artist who rose to fame in the 1980s as an active participant in New York City’s East Village Scene. This exhibition of 219 prints was originally slated for exhibition at The State Russian Muse