
Synod 2015 International Students: Doing Global Mission Locally



God is at work in our world in amazing ways. More Muslims have come to Christ in the past 20 years than the previous 14 centuries. More Jews are following Jesus as Messiah now than since the Book of Acts. There are unheard of opportunities for outreach right on our doorstep—there are 12,000 students from China, 4500 from India, and 3000 from Saudi Arabia at universities in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. With some practical how-to and encouragement, ordinary families can make a huge difference. Let’s help our churches get on board with what God is doing locally and around the world. Sharon Steinmiller is the director of the New Wineskins Missionary Network. She has taught English to businessmen and university faculty in China from 1981 to 1985, where she and her teammates were the first Christians most of their students had ever met. She also worked as an international student specialist with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.