Nighttime Live With Bob Harris

Mama-Made Mercy Masks Made in McLeod



Nikki McLeod is not only keeping busy with her music, but she is helping her mother and sister in a project called "Mama-Made Mercy Masks".  They have made hundreds of cotton medical masks so far and the orders keep coming. If fact they just received an order for 300 from the the USS Arleigh Burke. The ship carries 300 servicemen. It’s her understanding that this ship escorted/escorts one of the military COVID hospital ships and have no masks on board. Their going to try to get out 600 to them. Nikki also tells us that she's on her 3rd sewing machine, because they have trouble with the constant sewing of this project. The masks cost nothing, they are doing it for free, but are looking for donations of cotton, and "Pellon" a filter that is used in the mask. Cash donations can be made. All the information can  be found at their Facebook page. Nikki, Deb, and Kathryn...bless you for the work you're doing to help our first responders and medical