Nighttime Live With Bob Harris

The Vet Is In" from" KFGO's Nighttime Live" March 5th 2020



It was on the air a little earlier Thursday night but it was nothing but fun and informative. Dr. Derine Winning was in for the March edition of Nighttime Live's edition of "The Vet Is In". Some of the topics Dr. Winning talked about is the growing concern about coronavirus.  We had a number of great question via phone and texts. Should I brush my dogs teeth or iare"cleaning treats" enough? Should our family get a second dog, a companion for an older one? Why does my dog lick the arms of my easy chair and nothing else? One of my dogs past away and now the other refuses to eat, what do I do? Some owners don't recognize their pets are getting older because of the day to day association. But watch for weight loss, change in coat, mobility problems. Can you use "Essential Oils" around or on my pet? Remember that pets have a keen sense of smell. Could any oils harm them? Paulee even get to ask about one of  his newest members of the family. Dr. Winning also mention she will be soon touring the Purina Pet Foo