Nighttime Live With Bob Harris

"How to be a Conscious Eater"- Author Sophie Egan



"How to be a Conscious Eater" couldn't come at a better time with the pandemic that's happening in our world. In a world where people tell you to eat this or that, what's in season? What's the deal with all those labels and numbers and the packaging of our food? What's the deal with gluten and what food should I eat or avoid? What the latest on eating red meat? Should I be asking a lot of questions to my grocer or waiter at the restaurant?  Sophie makes things so much easier to understand with this new book. How to make good food choices, and tips on helping out the planet especially when it comes to plastic wrapping or containers.  And with the recent addition of twin boys to her family, she has researched this book and put it in a very easy format to understand. For more information on Sophie and to find out how to get her book go to: