Green Healing

Past-Present-Future Stuck Paradigm (The What if Game) (GH10)



Abusers like to keep us away from the Present moment by bringing up things from the past and things of the future in superficial hypothetical scenarios that keep us in perpetual fear. Then when we leave the abuser, we keep inflicting this on ourselves through the brainwashed fear. This is what is called the "What-if Game." I explain in detail how abusers get us there and share the tricks I've learnt to apply to help us get out of it so that we can continue to feel good and to be more present.This is Green Healing Episode 10."Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks: (this is not an affiliate link)Support Green HealingPayPal Tip Jar: 362g1NRU5TnKLS3a674oHcDXBNeCUGriqo