Green Healing

Brew for Adrenal Fatigue Recipe & How To (Burnout & Anxiety)



I kick-start the second season of Green Healing by sharing the Herbal Brew I make for my Adrenal Fatigue (Burnout), which also helps with Anxiety. I share all the herbs, with all that they are good for, and share some important tips on herbs and making brews, as well as explain all the ins and outs of making this brew.Green Healing's mission is to share knowledge about abuse, and alternative and natural methods of healing the mind and body. Knowledge plays a large part in understanding and thus healing. Through my own personal experience, I have been able to tap into the most inner workings of my mind and body through knowledge, natural and alternative forms of therapy and medicine. Thus I have healed Depression, most of my CPTSD, and am working on overcoming other ailments as well. I hope that by sharing I can help you find your path to emotional freedom as well.Find Green Healing on iTunes: subscribe on YouTube: