Green Healing

My Understand Myself Result - The Big Five Personality Traits from the Jordan B Peterson Test



The Understand Myself Personality Test has helped me a great deal with understanding my emotions, my symptoms when it comes to anxiety and CPTSD and other trauma based symptoms, and it's helped me heal as well. I share my results of the Big Five Personality Traits with you, perchance it might also help you on your healing journey.Personality Traits include:Agreeableness: Compassion & Politeness;Conscientiousness: Industriousness & Orderliness;Extraversion: Enthusiasm & Assertiveness;Neuroticism: Withdrawal & Volatility;Openness to Experience: Intellect & Openness.The Understand Myself test is put together by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. This video is not sponsored.Understand Myself Personality Test website: