Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

When You Lose Your Additive-Free Mojo Like Jo Did



In this week’s episode of The Whole Circle Podcast Jo shares all about how she lost her additive-free mojo and what she’s done to get her groove back. Oh, my goodness, just as well we have a 7-day additive-free challenge coming up because boy oh boy had the Ling family fallen off the additive-free wagon! Guess what? It happens! Even we’re not perfect. Sometimes life gets in the way and we can justify not adhering to a certain lifestyle because we’re too busy. Oh, that word ‘busy’…it’s a word we can use to excuse so many things in life when in actual fact even though Jo was busy, she still had time to be living additive-free, she just wasn’t making it a priority. But that’s life guys, warts and all. Life gets in the way and sometimes you lose focus on what’s important to you, it’s all part of being human. Topics discussed: Life got in the way What does being slack with living additive-free look like? What was the tipping point? How hard was it to get back on track? What’s the secret to living additive-free