The Quantum Communicator

"Consciousness Archaeology" with Maximus Freeman



My guest today is Maximus Freeman, the "Consciousness Archaeologist."  Many years ago he was, as he puts it, a "self-centered, egotistical, judgmental know-it-all." "Needless to say," he adds, "I was not very well-liked or respected. I chalked this behavior off to 'This is just who I am; take it or leave it. It's not as if I can change or anything!' It wasn't until he started reading self-improvement books in the mid-90s that he discovered that change is possible.  He also realized that if he was just a little bit nicer, less arrogant, egotistical and judgmental, people would start to like and respect him a little bit more." Fast forward to today, and Maximus is the author of a new book, titled Consciousness Archaeology, where he chronicles his 20-year "exploration of the ebbs and flows of life from the dark night of the Soul to the radiant light of Presence." as he shares his unique perspective on many ancient truths and introduces several insightful theories of his own while injecting just a hint of humo