Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #78 - Icy Poles - The Epidemic in Your Child's School



This is one of the more serious topics we have covered on The Whole Circle, and one that we are super passionate about. As you know we are all about reducing the amount of artificial additives and preservatives that we consume, so in today's episode we run through ingredients in four different branded ice blocks (and we’re not afraid to name and shame!). You will most likely be horrified by the chemical craziness that hides inside many brightly coloured ice blocks. It totally blows us away that children are given the chance to buy these ice blocks throughout the day. Or worse, handed them as rewards at school sports events, birthday parties and more. What’s more, they then go back to class and are told to focus, sit still and learn.  Did you know that (alarmingly) up to 80% of a teacher’s days can be spent controlling behaviour in the classroom due to hyperactivity. Don't be alarmed, we always have an option or two, because no one want to miss out, right! We are excited to say that there are a couple of fanta