Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #85 - Additive Free Made Easy Challenge, Day 7 - Embracing the Change



Stepping out of your comfort zone is what it’s all about in going additive and preservative free. It’s truly so empowering when you get in tune with your body and educate yourself as to the foods you’re putting in your body, not to mention your family’s bodies! We challenge you to check the ingredients on your packet and look for those numbers, sometimes not all numbers are bad so don’t just pick up a packet and think that since it has the numbers on it you can’t have that you need to know these numbers and this is what we teach you in Additive Free Made Easy. We’ll go through the really harsh additives and preservatives so you’ll be aware what you are eating. Don’t be fooled by the word “organic”, “artificial free” all those slogans that are on the packet, always be mindful and check your ingredients. We also challenge you to cook something new, it might be just a cake, biscuit, adding new ingredients anything. We have tons of recipes available for you to follow it’s so easy and it doesn’t have to be complic