Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #92 - Why You Should Start A doTERRA Business



If you have followed us for a while you will know that we are super excited by essential oils, especially the company doTERRA. It fills our heart with joy, it has allowed us financial freedom to expand our business, it has given us the opportunity to travel and it has provided us with numerous ways to improve our additive free lives - past just flavouring food. doTERRA is different. We don't know how to describe it, but it just is. Some might sit there and roll their eyes..."but they are a billion dollar company so it must be about the money." Well, after you hear the founders story, learn where they started from, learn that they turned down investors (who wanted majority control), learn that they instead mortgaged themselves to the hilt and created doTERRA from the ground up, learn that they didn't pay themselves a cent for around 13 begin to understand that this company is about love, respect and integrity... and very little to do with the money - it is truly outstanding! Don't get us wrong, we