Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #93 - Exactly What A doTERRA Business Can Mean For You Financially



In this episode we discuss what it means to start your own doTERRA business, including how you can go about making income (all the way from a little side income, right to full time earnings). The amazing thing about starting your own doTERRA business, is you’re the one in charge, setting your own financial goals and targets. Hey, you might even be able to give up your full time job like we did! You’ll also have the chance to travel to some great places around the globe. The point is, you can potentially have the financial freedom that you’ve been craving your whole adult life! It’s time to start living on your own terms. doTERRA’s compensation plan is anything but secret. When we started out with doTERRA, we didn’t have any intention to start a business. However, after using their products for a while and totally falling in love, we then opened our minds to the financial opportunities that existed within this company - simply by sharing our love of the oils with the world. That’s where our passion started and