Shrink For The Shy Guy

Why Being Yourself Is Difficult



In today’s episode, Dr. Aziz tackles the perplexing question: Why is it so challenging to be ourselves? While it might seem like being yourself should be the easiest and most natural thing in the world, many of us find it incredibly difficult. Dr. Aziz explores the reasons behind this struggle and provides insights into the invisible pressures and internal conflicts that keep us from being our true selves. Join Dr. Aziz as he helps you recognize these challenges and offers actionable steps to overcome them. Learn how to embrace authenticity and unapologetically be who you are, without succumbing to the pressure of societal expectations or internal criticism. Through this episode, you'll gain clarity on how to honor your true feelings, desires, and boundaries, leading to a more liberated and confident life. Ready to start your journey towards authentic living? Tune in now and take the first step towards being unapologetically you! If you find this episode helpful, please take a moment to leave a review on Appl