The Smart Passive Income Online Business And Blogging Podcast

SPI 799: Building a Business WITH a 9 to 5 Job with Eric Chou



#799 Is it possible to build a business while working a traditional job? How do you know when it's time to go all-in on your side gig, and what are the things to consider before taking the leap? Also, what about growing a brand that complements your full-time work? These are the questions we explore in today's episode. My guest, Eric Chou of Network Automation Nerds, is a leader in his highly technical niche. He is an author and former Amazon and Microsoft employee leveraging his expertise to build a brand and community alongside his current high-paying job. Eric is applying strategies we often discuss on this show and within SPI Pro to engage his followers and readers in a big way. Tune in for this success story because some of his LinkedIn Learning courses have now attracted over ten thousand students. Enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at